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I got up early this morning and I was ready. We were finally going to stop those assholes. I waited outside our room as Moira tired to leave Lilith with Willow. I know it was harder for her to leave than it was for me. But we had a mission to do. We wouldn't be gone too long I hoped.

We waited for everyone to gather. Some looked more nervous than others, and some were or tried to be stoic. I wondered how this would go down. We rode quickly to Berryville, Wallace used his magic steed which he had attached things to for us to ride on and we moved swiftly to the city and got there within a day.

The group didn't split up, well Austerius ran off in excitement saying she wanted to buy something, and we seemed to have lost Gale at some point though I am not sure how far behind he was. The rest of us. We went to the Duke.

Moira and Alec had met this duke before and seeing as we were in high standing in the kingdom we were brought in immediately. "Hello Alexander, Moira" he said and shook hands with Alec and gave Moira a kiss on the hand. "Is there anything I can help you guys with?"

"We are here just checking in to see if anything out of the ordinary is going on," Alec said.

"No, everything is good around here, there was a problem, it was handled, it's good now," he replied.

"That's good," Moira replied sweetly, I couldn't tell if this sweetness was laced with her usual venom or if she was genuine. It was harder to tell nowadays. "How are your girls?" Moira asked the man

"Good, they have been doing a lot of painting recently, which is not fun to clean up at all," he told them with a laugh. Moira nodded. "Would you guys like to come for dinner?" he asked.

"That would be great," Moira said.

"See you around supper then," he replied as we left the room. Everyone split off in different directions. Moira and Rosalind headed to a different part of the small city. Alec and Clerik headed to the church. Wallace wandered off into the woods. And Harrison and I were left standing there.

So we headed to the tavern. We drank. Maybe too much cause we eventually started hearing dinosaur noises. That's when we agreed we'd had enough booze for the day. 

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