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Everyone had returned. It was hard because people kept talking to me about things I know Alec wanted me to come with them and he thought I deserved it. Moira said she wanted to talk with me this morning and several other people said they wanted to talk to me and this wasn't good.

I got into the library and she was waiting for me. "Hi Willow, sit with me?" She said softly so I sat down across from her. She held baby Lilith in her arms and spoke quietly.

"What did you need to talk about Moira?" I asked her.

"I know you're thinking about going but I don't know if that's a good idea. To have the queen leaving the kingdom alone it won't survive without you. It's vulnerable to attack. Not only that, but even if you aren't fighting it's still easier for something to happen to you." She said and looked at me sadly. "I would feel better knowing that there is someone here I can trust who can look over Lilith while I'm gone. I thought I'd be okay leaving her before she was born but for some reason things changed. It's like I can't trust anyone anymore than I don't already. But I do trust you Willow, after all the maturing you have done I trust you a lot. Actually I trust everyone on our 'team' which is something I thought I'd never say. Yes, even Wallace. Though I already liked him a lot probably because he reminds me of me. So please rethink your decision. If not for my child then for your kingdom at least." She asked.

"I'll think about it Moira. Thank you for trusting me." I said. And baby Lith made a soft sound and moved in her mothers arms. I smiled and I walked away. Staying with Lilith would be good for me to learn how to take care of a baby.

I left the room but it was long before Rosalind confronted me. "Willow, I think you should stay in the kingdom," She said. I just nodded and wasn't sure if she'd say the same thing as Moira.

"I've been thinking about it," I told her. And I headed off to do some of the things on my agenda for the day. And a few hours I went by undisturbed. After lunch I was seated on my throne when Clerik came to speak to me.

"Willow, I have something I need to say and it's all I'll say," he said, it was the first time he has spoken to me since the day the cult leaders came to speak to me.

"I'll listen, Clerik," I told him. I knew this was going to be about the same thing everyone wanted to speak to me about today. I just didn't know which side he was on.

"What you did has made me lose all faith in you, and if you don't go and fight all my faith in you will be permanently gone," he said and turned walking away. I would have said something at least okay if there wasn't a large lump in my throat that seemed to suffocate me.

I was afraid of what Wallace would say or do so I went off to find Moira instead. She was in her room with the baby asleep in a small crib. "Moira can I talk to you?" I asked her.

"Of course," She replied.

"Clerik said, 'I made him lose all faith in me, and that if I don't fight his faith in me will permanently be gone.' What do I do? Moira you and Rosalind are right, I should stay and I'd love to look after your baby. It will be good practice. But I don't know what to do. And I haven't talked to Wallace yet I'm afraid of what he'll say," I told her I was trying hard not to cry now and it was getting late in the day it was getting harder to keep it together.

"Clerik is only one person. His opinions on you don't matter, not compared to what you think about yourself. I can understand where he is coming from and yes I agree that some of the things you do are disappointing." She said and I almost lost it there but I kept it together. "The only thing you can do is try your best and if that does not satisfy him enough then that's his problem because you have done everything you could. Clerik's intentions are good, but sometimes he fails to see things from other people's point of view and you can't change that about him. Do you truly believe Willow that you will be safe going with us?" She asked me.

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