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We were ready to head to Lithrendir today. Pan and I were very silent, but I still cuddled him and gave him kisses and things. They were all getting ready for the trip. I pulled Wallace aside. "I need your help," I told him.

"I offered it to you before, you didn't want it then, why now," He said, he seemed to not like me asking for his help. I explained to him or tried to, I couldn't put together a sentence well. He agreed and I took him up to the balcony through my room.

He changed into Sam and we announced to the town who was going to look over it, I was confused that Wallace had taken the shape of Sam, I don't ever think they met, but then again maybe they did. He announced what was to happen and told them to follow the light. But that was unlike Wallace.

I was tired and we hadn't left yet. We were all getting settled on the horses and I was the last one out. I got some strange looks from my friends but they seemed to be more looking at what I was wearing. I walked to Pan who was mounted upon whitney. "Can I please ride with you?" I was a little fearful. But I couldn't be away from him, I needed to be close to him. He nodded and helped me up onto Whitney and wrapped his arms around me and held me tight as we rode on to the city.

It was a long journey. It was hard. I got sick a lot from dead animals and some food. And I was having such a hard time eating that I could hardly keep things down, Pan looked worried, even I was worried. But finally we arrived at the city.

When we got there the gates open and everything was bustling. Immediately everyone split up. Alec walked to me and asked if he could have a moment alone with me. Pan wanted to come, I didn't want to leave his side but I think it was important to talk to Alec.

We got far enough away from the others who has stayed and Alec spoke. "Look, I know you're pregnant, you're showing, you're acting weird, you're avoiding alcohol, you're sickly, I know what that means. Are you sure it's best for you to be with us right now? This is about to get very dangerous." he said. I was showing, it had only been two months now, it seemed too early.

"I'm okay, And I need to do this, I need to destroy them, because I can't raise a child in this world, in the world where they rule and have a hold over everyone." I said to him and he nodded in understanding.

"I just want what's best for you and your child," he told me.

"This is what's best. I'll be okay." I told him.

"Okay, I understand, just please promise me you'll be careful"

"I promise."

"One more thing. I've noticed you haven't been eating a lot, but you're eating for two now, you should be more hungry. Is something else going on?" He asked me.

"I can't seem to keep things down. I don't like constantly getting sick, sometimes just the smell or look of something can make me sick. I can't eat." I told him and I put my head down and clutched my stomach.

"Maybe you should consult a doctor, see if there's anything they can give you to help with that. You gotta eat hun." He said. He was very sweet and concerned.

"Okay..." I told him drifting into my thoughts.

"I just want what's best for you and your growing family." he told me, as he had said before.

"Thank you. I appreciate your concern. I'll be okay." I smiled and nodded at him.

"Okay," he said, patting me on the shoulder and walking away.

I wished he had never walked away. What happened after soon made this the worst day of my life. 

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