A showcase with @CaffeineJunkieee, author of Finding Leila Riels

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1 What inspired the idea of your story?

Believe it or not, it came to me in a dream - actually more of a nightmare. I remember the dream, my best friend had disappeared and no one was helping me find her, safe to say I woke up in tears but with a pretty sick story to write!

2 What was something you struggled with for your story?

Story-wise I have a plan and I know exactly where I want the story to go and sort of how I want it to end. However, my issue is perfecting chapters which can lead to a delay in publishing. It takes a while for me to write a chapter but then ill look back on it and feel like it wasn't good enough which leads to me taking a while to publish. I was inspired by so many great writers on this app I just feel that all my readers deserve to read something perfect :)

3 What has been the overall response to your story from your readers?

From the comments I have received, it seems pretty good but I would definitely love to hear more opinions! Hopefully good ones haha :)

4 What did you enjoy writing most of your story?

Honestly watching the story come to life has been so exciting. Reading back on the characters I created has made me so happy! 

5 Is your story a stand-alone novel or a piece of a series?

At the moment its a series and I have three separate parts in mind, maybe even four but well shall see :)

6 What would you like your readers to take away from your story?

Definitely the importance of friendship! I love my friends and there isn't a single thing I wouldn't do for them, for my bestie I would probably do what my main protagonist Anya did :)

7 What's a piece of advice you would provide to another writer when it comes to focusing on their story?

Make a schedule!!!!!!! Find time to write! Also do not focus on the views, sometimes they can be disheartening but they'll come with time! 

8 Does your main character share any similarities to yourself?

It's funny actually, initially when I was writing it I didn't think she did and then when I was reading it back I questioned if I should change her name to my first name since it was quite obviously me! Her ability to sweet talk, the way she helps her friends and even her stubbornness is all very similar to me

9 What's something you would believe would draw in new readers

Oooh, this is an interesting question! But if your interested in a sarcastic teen who battles the mafia and is not the submissive girl that were all used to reading then my books for you ;)

10 Do you have any future projects?

I do and I can't wait for you to all see them! Im thinking of branching out into Greek mythology 

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