Chapter Forty Four

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Alo explained everything that had happened to Zhang, and he nodded slowly. As soon as Alo finished talking, he said in a worried voice.

"It's been close to two hours since Nakai left with Mana. Do you think he is okay?"

Before anyone else could speak, they heard a knock at Zhang's door and everyone stared at the door before their eyes landed on Wang Bao. Alo instantly pointed at the section under the bed and Wang Bao slid his slim frame under the wood without any hesitation; luckily he had lost some weight since it was a tight squeeze, forcing him to take shallow breaths. While Wang Bao moved, Alo grabbed both Wang Bao and Nakai's bags before throwing them behind Zhang's chair. With Mika and Luka sitting on the bed together, Alo slowly opened the door.The bags were thrown behind Zhang and his chair before Alo opened the door.

In the corridor, the elderly doctor along with two guards were waiting for Zhang to open his door. Alo could see one of the guards was pushing a cart that had their food, and he quietly sighed in relief before greeting the doctor. Four tray were passed to Alo one after the other, and Alo handed them to Mika and Luka who struggled with the weight but Mika was able to get to the table with two trays, while Luka barely made it to the bed with the other two. With their food set, Alo tried to close the door, but the doctor stuck her hand out and asked Alo with narrowed eyes.

"It seems that your human friend has left his bed. Do you know anything about this?"

Alo leaned against the door frame lazily, pretending to think things over before answering in a light voice.

"I don't know about Bao leaving the clinic, but I know that Nakai has gone with Mana to talk about something. Maybe he joined them."

The doctor looked at Alo suspiciously before asking another question.

"And who told you Nakai was with Mana?"

Alo quickly shrugged his shoulders as if it was obvious before replying lightly.

"The intern; I went to see how Bao was doing but he said I couldn't come in."

The doctor looked back at the guards then back at Alo and she sighed, annoyance written on her face. Without bothering to ask any more questions, the doctor ordered Alo and everyone else in the room in a stern voice.

"Until you are told otherwise, you are not to come to the clinic. That goes for everyone."

With nothing more to say the doctor and guards left and Alo closed the door, listening to the other side in case the guards were still present. Luckily he did since he heard the two guards that came with the doctor get into position on either side of the door. Alo motioned for everyone to stay quiet while he pulled a throw blanket from the bed, pushing it under the crack of the base of the door. This wasn't enough to soundproof the room, but it would help muffle their voices if they whispered. While Alo stood back up, Zhang walked over to the bed and helped Wang Bao out from under the bed since he was struggling.

Before they came up with a plan, Alo told everyone to eat first. The meal was some barbecued marinated meat skewers with a few different salads and flatbreads. Everyone shared their meals with Wang Bao since there were only four trays, but even after the generous sized meal, Wang Bao was still hungry. The entire meal, Wang Bao was worried about Nakai and whether Mana was hurting him or not.

As soon as they finished their meals, Alo piled the empty trays on the table before motioning for everyone to get on the bed. To help in soundproofing their plans, Alo draped the blankets over their heads. It was a little stuff with five people breathing the same air and Zhang intermittently let fresh air in by waving the bottom edge of the blanket every few seconds. Speaking in a hushed voice, Alo started coming up with a plan.

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