Chapter One Hundred & Three

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Nakai was no longer in Giant Country but Dwarf Country. The only thing that could get Wang Bao off his mind during the day was intense work, Nakai was sent all over the world to mine for rare stones or metals and when he was done, he would head back to Dwarf Country. Nakai looked at the date on the clock attached to his hotel wall. It had been two months since Wang Bao had been admitted and there was no news about him. When Nakai saw the date he urgently made a call and set up another job.




When Nakai got back into the country he received a phone call. Wang Lei's voice was angry as he shouted over the phone.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! You're not in Giant Country?"

"I just got back from a job, has something happened?"

Nakai's fatigue cleared from his body as soon as he heard Wang Lei's voice and he waited anxiously for an answer.

"Bao wants to see you, I'll tell you the rest when you get here."

Wang Lei hung up straight away but it didn't matter since Nakai had tossed his phone to the side once he heard Wang Bao was wanting to see him. With his single backpack, Nakai left the country and made his way back to the palace in Man country. When he arrived, he noticed the palace had changed a lot in his absence. The gardens were filled with lush greenery and young trees, the palace itself looked to be under renovation as the old stone was removed and replaced with sleek stone with metal accents. Nakai walked through the doors as if he was the man who lived in such a place and was met with Mr Liu.

"His Majesty is waiting for you in his study, along with Nera."

Nakai didn't say anything as he walked towards Wang Lei's study, pushing the door open once he finally reached the place. In the room, Wang Lei and Nera were talking between themselves but stopped when they saw Nakai, Wang Lei jumped to his feet in anger as he pointed a finger at Nakai's face.

"I called Giant Country last month to get you a flight back here but they told me you had left the country months ago! ...Where's Hera?"

Wang Lei paused as he saw Nakai's hands were empty. Nakai sat down with a tired sigh since he hadn't had much rest during the last three months.

"I left her with my parents when I first left here, she's fine. How's Wang Bao?"

Nera pushed Wang Lei back down into his chair at the same time as pushing his shoulders down too. Wang Lei took in a deep breath before speaking.

"He's okay. He no longer has catonic spells and has therapy twice a week. I visited him after the first month was done and saw progress so I allowed the doctor to continue treatment. Because of this, I was limited to the amount of visits in a month. It was only last month that I could see him whenever I wanted to. He wanted to see you back then too, I think he still blames himself for what happened that day."

"I'll go see him now then."

Nakai stood up but was quickly pushed back down by Nera.

"You need to bathe and sleep first, you're covered in dirt and look like you haven't slept since you left here."

Nakai wanted to decline but he could feel how dirty he was and felt it would be best to wash himself first. Wang Lei called out to Nera as he watched him walk out of the room with Nakai.

"Take him to our living space, he can take the spare room in there since Karo is spending the night with Rara."

In the room, Nera ran the shower while Nakai put his bag away. When he went to walk into the bathroom, Nera stopped him and looked at him seriously.

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