Chapter One Hundred & Twenty

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Wang Bao's scream lasted until he had no air left in him, the pain was different to anything else he had ever experienced and his body was covered in a cold sweat. Animal-like sounds mixed with grunting and groaning came out of Wang Bao as he felt the baby move down his intestines, There was almost no need to push since the long contractions did all the work. Nakai did his best to comfort Wang Bao as he saw the crown of the first baby slowly present itself.

"It'll be okay, you need to start pushing though."

"I can't~ It hurts~"

Wang Bao was in hysterics as he felt his insides tearing apart, behind him, Wang Xei started pressing into different pressure points in his back. Although it wasn't enough to get rid of the pain fully, Wang Bao was able to feel a decrease in the pain running all over his body. Unfortunately the relaxation of Wang Bao's pressure points quickened the pace of the labour, making Wang Bao's pain free seconds turn into an excruciating feeling. Nakai could see a lot of the head of the first baby through the now open hole and his hand over Wang Bao's thigh squeezed firmly.

"Nera, get a towel ready. Wang Bao, start pushing."

Nakai kept his eyes on Wang Bao's hole while he felt his hand being crushed by Wang Bao, a loud scream erupted from Wang Bao as he tried to push. The baby moved a little but not nearly enough to get them free of the canal. Nakai encouraged Wang Bao to push more but all that came was another loud scream of pain. The contraction quickly ended and Wang Bao took in a deep breath, his hair and body was covered in sweat from the experience and he didn't want to think about doing this for two babies. Nakai clicked his tongue as he saw the little distance covered within the contraction time and before another contraction could start, he looked up at Wang Bao's tired face.

"You need to push harder, try using all the pain and screaming as energy instead."

"I can't~"

Wang Bao shook his head as fresh tears streamed down his red cheeks. Wang Bao's crying was quickly cut short as another contraction hit, Nakai could see it and he knelt in front of Wang Bao, one hand holding the back of Wang Bao's head while the other was positioned at the base of his hole. Nakai's voice was authoritative as he pressed his forehead against Wang Bao's.

"Push now!"

Nakai could feel Wang Bao's hands clinging to his shirt tightly while he pushed as hard as he could, as soon as Nakai felt the head of the baby come out, he slipped his hand inside Wang Bao. Wang Bao screamed in pain but Nakai ordered him to keep pushing. While Wang Bao pushed, Nakai helped slide the rest of the baby's body out and the loud screams of a baby replaced Wang Bao's. Nera caught the baby with the fresh towel and wrapped the screaming baby before handing them to Wang Bao. While Wang Bao rested against Wang Xei, Nera and Nakai worked together to peg the throbbing umbilical cord before cutting it.

Neither one of them knew how long it would be before the second baby came out but Nakai knew Wang Bao didn't have a lot of energy left. Before anything could happen, he got up from the ground and headed to the kitchen to bring back water for Wang Bao. Nakai held the bottle up for Wang Bao since his hands were shaking and once the bottle was empty, more contractions started. While Wang Bao was trying to not scream because of the pain, Nakai went back to kneeling in front of him and looked at the birthing canal.

"I'm going to check again, it might be more tender than last time."

Wang Bao nodded slightly before Nakai pushed his hand inside, Wang Bao groaned from pain as Nakai went deeper, finding his cervix again. When Nakai found the opening again he pushed his hand inside the soft entrance but paused. Nera could see the change in Nakai's face when they made eye contact before Nakai whispered under his breath.

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