Chapter Seventy Nine

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Out at sea off the coast of Dwarf country, Nakai, Nera and Wang Lei were waiting patiently. Like they had estimated, it had taken a week of travel to get back and they were only five days behind Wang Bao. They were currently waiting for permission to enter Dwarf country as they didn't want to set off any alarms when storming the palace. The ship was a fishing charter much like Pou's though Nakai didn't lift a finger to help this time. Everyone was aware of who Nakai was and to see him lift so much as a dead fish would be more shame on them than Nakai. Wang Lei was recovering well for someone had been shot twice since Wang Xei had shot in unimportant area's, he was only left with scarring and intense pain as he tried to heal quickly.

When Nakai had heard Wang Lei was in the all clear, he had returned to the hospital with a picture of his shooter. Once Wang Lei had seen the face he rolled his eyes before looking away.

"No wonder I'm not dead."

At the time Nakai was confused but now he understood who Wang Xei was. While waiting, Nakai was keeping in touch with his troops back home, ever since they had first heard contact from Nakai they all cheered loudly since they had been thinking the worst. Nera was busy nursing Wang Lei to check his wounds as well as if he was comfortable enough, while also checking the laptop to see if they had been granted permission yet. He had walked between Wang Lei and the laptop so many times that it was giving Wang Lei a headache and he sat up.

"Bring the damn thing here, there's no need to walk around like a headless chicken."

As soon as Wang Lei was handed the laptop there was a ding sound followed by a message. They were finally granted access to Dwarf waters and land. The ship set off without any delay and within the hour, Nakai, Nera and Wang Lei were walking through a coastal city, looking for their guide. Unlike other countries, the Dwarves traveled both above and under land. They had various subway systems that weaved all over their country as well as some that were secretly in other countries. Wang Lei had heard about this from his Father as a child but had never truly believed it until recently. A small dwarf woman was waiting at her bead stall quietly, her beads shining in the sunlight. Her face was old and withered as if she had seen a thousand years and once she saw Wang Lei she covered her mouth in shock.

"My friend, you really did come back."

Wang Lei had never met this woman before but with the face of his Father he was used to people mistaking them. He played along and crouched down to give the wrinkly lady a firm hug. She briefly pulled back to look at Wang Lei's face before leaning into his shoulder again to hug him back with more strength than Wang Lei could handle. By the time he had stood back up, his face had paled and his stomach was in intense pain. Nera rubbed his back and looked at him but he was shaked off while Wang Lei talked with the lady as if he was his Father.

"Are the tunnels you told me about all those years ago still open?"

"Of course, there's no need to close them since you're the only one that knows about them aside from the Dwarves. A little birdy told me to look out for you, I didn't believe him at first but here I am, looking at the old King. Just let me pack everything then we'll be off."

Nakai looked at the sparkling beads with intrigue then pointed at a familiar looking strand.

"Are these made from eggs?"

The beads were only the size of a pea but they had the same opal-like illumination as the ones he had in his own bag, only his were bigger. The old dwarf waddled around to where Nakai was standing and inspected the beads.

"Yes, a special reaction happens when the eggs are left out of water, they calcify. A friend brought them back for me, they are very rare."

"Rare, you say."

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