Chapter One Hundred & Twelve

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As if overnight, Wang Bao could feel his body had become different. At first, he noticed a fall in his appetite then came the bad muscle pain like when he was pregnant with Hera. When Wang Bao felt his back seize up while at home alone, he quickly remembered that he actually didn't like being pregnant. Wang Bao sat at his desk and tried to catch his breath from the spasm that was now happening in his back muscles, he was home alone since Nakai was at the training site with Hera and Aggie. Because Nakai had grading to do, Wang Bao didn't bother to call and thought he could wait out the few hours until Nakai would get back. The longer Wang Bao sat at his desk, the more his back pain transferred to his stomach and almost knocked the air out of his lungs. The pain was making Wang Bao pant and lose focus so he stood up, leaving the room to find more air.

Outside, Wang Bao walked around the large house alone before pressing a button on his phone that Nakai had installed himself. The button sent out a signal to Raia and she was soon seen sprinting over from the otherside of the hill. Wang Bao held Raia's fur while they walked around the house another five times. Wang Bao wanted to head to Raia's stable in their back yard, however there was still intense pain running from his belly button to the base of his back. Wang Bao didn't want to stay alone in the house anymore and he quickly checked the time, it had only been an hour and Nakai wouldn't be back until another two. With sweat running down his face, Wang Bao walked to the front of his yard and out the gate, since he couldn't see Nakai then he would go find his Brother. Raia could sense something was wrong with Wang Bao and gently nudged her head against Wang Bao while mewling. When Wang Bao pushed down on her neck, she crouched down. Wang Bao groaned in pain as he swung one of his legs over Raia's body, once he was seated, Raia stood back up and Wang Bao groaned out where he wanted to go.

"Take me to Lei."

Wang Bao leaned against Raia's soft fur as she ran out of their property, her body moved fast though her movements were barely felt by Wang Bao. After less than a minute of running, Raia was slowing down to a walk then stopped at Wang Lei's gate, Wang Bao stood up from Raia's body once she crouched down and he pushed the small gate open. Just as Wang Bao took his first step onto the boardwalk, a wave of nausea hit him hard and Wang Bao threw up into the pond where the colourful fish lived. Wang Bao felt Raia behind him in case he needed her help but when he tried to push her back, his vision went black and his body fell into the water. Raia growled as she tried to nip at Wang Bao's clothes but she wasn't quick enough, the water splashed up onto the wood as Raia dove in straight after Wang Bao. Just as Raia entered the water, Wang Lei and Nera along with Karo pulled up outside, Raia was holding the unconscious Wang Bao up by the back of his clothes, her body still in the water when Karo skipped through the gate.


Wang Lei ran through the gate as soon as he heard Karo scream with Nera close on his heels. Nera saw the sight before everyone else and he pulled Karo out of their yard to put him back in their car before helping Wang Lei by lifting Wang Bao from him. Within seconds Raia was left at Wang Lei's house as they drove to the hospital. Karo sat in the front with Nera while Wang Lei held Wang Bao in his arms, checking his pulse and temperature to make sure he was still breathing. When they arrived at the hospital, a doctor took Wang Lei and Wang Bao to a private room while Nera left for the training area where Nakai was. As soon as Nakai saw Nera and a pale Karo walk through the door, he knew something was wrong and paused the grading, Nera only said four words when Nakai ran past him.

"Wang Bao's in hospital."

Nera spun around and threw his car keys to Nakai since he had parked right outside the doors and Nakia sped off to the hospital. Nakai was taken to Wang Bao's room as soon as he arrived and saw a heart monitor connected to his hand once he opened the door. Wang Lei was full of stress as he was waiting for the doctor to tell him what was wrong, when he saw Nakai come in, he stood up and they both stood at the end of Wang Bao's bed while he slept.

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