Chapter Eighty Six

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Wang Bao was still asleep when Wang Xei came back, Wang Xei let him sleep a little longer while he prepared things for dinner. A couple hours passed before Wang Bao finally woke up and he felt completely refreshed. Although he disliked Wang Xei with a passion, he was grateful for the massages since it made his pain non-existent once he woke up. When he was ready to get out of bed, Wang Bao waddled his way to the kitchen, the only pain in his stomach was now caused by hunger. When he walked out of the room, Wang Bao was surprised to see a small custard pie topped with fruit along with a cup of coffee. Wang Xei was standing at the counter chopping vegetables, he didn't need to look over his shoulder to hear Wang Bao come into the room and spoke to him without turning around. His voice was somewhat softer than what Wang Bao was used to.

"The coffee is decaf since you shouldn't have caffeine. Dinner won't be too far away."

Wang Bao cautiously sat at the table where the food and drink were waiting, he could smell the sweet aroma of the fruit mixing with the deep scent of coffee and it made him even hungrier. Slowly, Wang Bao picked up his fork and broke apart some of the tart to taste it. He hadn't had any sweet things in so long that he just wanted to stuff the whole thing in his mouth instantly. Wang Bao restrained himself though and slowly ate the tart while looking at Wang Xei's back. The man must've felt Wang Bao's eyes on him since he looked over his shoulder, giving Wang Bao a wink, the slight cockiness that Wang Bao knew returning to his voice.

"If you give me a kiss, you can have those types of treats everyday."

Those words suddenly made the food not taste as good and Wang Bao through the fork at Wang Xei. Before Wang Bao could stand up to leave, Wang Xei was standing over him with his arms on either side of him, keeping Wang Bao seated in his chair.

"Eat up and be good or I'll punish you."

"I'm not your pet or lover, stop with these weird antics already."

Wang Xei narrowed his eyes at Wang Bao who was glaring at him in annoyance. The two held their staring contest for a while before Wang Bao turned back to his custard pie, picking it up with his hand since he no longer had a fork to eat with. Beside him, Wang Xei kept his eyes narrowed but a slight smirk appeared on his face and he darted forward. A quick kiss was pressed into the corner of Wang Bao's mouth while he was biting into the pie, Wang Bao kept his cool but lifted his foot up and stomped down on Wang Xei's as hard as he could. He smiled with satisfaction when he heard Wang Xei grunt from the pain and started to enjoy the pie again, washing it down with his coffee.

. . . . . . . . .

Wang Bao suffered with Wang Xei's company for another week and his patience was growing thin with the man. On more than one occasion, Wang Xei had stolen kisses from Wang Bao and it was causing his anger to grow. Wang Xei was humming happily in the morning as he made breakfast for them while Wang Bao read a poetry book he found lying around, he was grateful to have found books to read since he was close to ripping his hair out thanks to Wang Xei. Wang Bao was reading while intermittently sipping his juice, he suddenly looked up to the kitchen since the humming that Wang Xei had been doing stopped abruptly. In the kitchen he could no longer see Wang Xei and he was on guard because of it. Wang Bao sat up on the sofa properly to look around him but once he turned his head to look over the back of the sofa, he was was met with Wang Xei's lips, the man even had the guts to hold Wang Bao's head in place before his tongue forced its way into Wang Bao's mouth.

Something snapped in Wang Bao as soon as he felt a man's tongue in his mouth that wasn't Nakai's and he launched his body over the sofa. Wang Bao used every ounce of strength in his body to throw his clenched fists at Wang Xei. His hands had no technique since he was only focused on hurting Wang Xei, Wang Bao didn't realise but tears were streaming down his face, dripping down onto Wang Xei's cheeks. Wang Xei let Wang Bao get his anger all out since he could take a few hits but when he fetl Wang Bao's tears land on his face he caught the two fists. Wang Bao had no strength or will left in him, all he could do was cry while looking down at Wang Xei. Wang Bao slowly stopped crying after a couple minutes but his sudden cry had caused hiccups and his shoulders jumped every few seconds along with a hiccup.

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