Chapter Sixty Two

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On the outside as Nakai turned back to look at Wang Bao, his expression was stone cold, but on the inside he was laughing happily. The opposite could be said for Wang Bao, as he opened and closed his mouth repeatedly, clearly wanting to say something. On the other side of Nakai, Alo was sitting in both shock and confusion, a little shocked Nakai would be able to remember Wang Bao at all, but after only a few seconds, he was able to see Nakai was only joking around with Wang Bao; joining in on the fun, Alo played along with Nakai by asking.

"You don't recognize him?"

Instead of answering right away, Nakai squinted his eyes while humming to make out he was thinking extra hard. It was only now that Wang Bao realised Nakai was messing with him, and he couldn't help but punch Nakai's chest out of frustration, followed by him shouting.

"What do you mean hmmm? How can you not remember me, you idiot?!"

Before Wang Bao could get too worked up, Nakai burst into a loud roaring laughter, but was quickly forced thanks to a sharp pain shooting across the middle of his back. Seeing the pained expression on Nakai's face, Wang Bao instantly forgot about the silly prank, and rubbed Nakai's cheek tenderly while Alo and Zhang crouched on either side of Nakai's chest. Before moving Nakai, Alo told him he would need to check his back for any injuries, then slowly pulled Nakai into an upright position with Zhang's help. Once Nakai was in position, Alo gently pulled Nakai's shirt off, revealing an alarming amount of bruising on Nakai's back. Wang Bao couldn't stop from gasping loudly as soon as he saw the dark purple bruising that covered Nakai's back, and Alo worked quickly to feel down Nakai's spine, making sure to also be delicate in the amount of pressure he was applying. Usually Nakai had a high tolerance for pain, but because he hadn't eaten for a couple days, and his rest hadn't been ideal, he let out a low grunt once Alo felt around the middle of his back.

Alo was already paying close attention to Nakai's reactions, and felt around Nakai's central spine a little more, but felt nothing out of the ordinary. Once he was done with Nakai's spine, Alo then moved onto Nakai's ribs, and it wasn't long before he felt swelling around the lower region of Nakai's ribs. To make sure his diagnosis was correct, Alo helped Nakai sit up a little straight before telling him to take a few deep breaths. Although Nakai was trying hard to ignore the shooting pain with every deep breath, he couldn't hide it from Alo, and with one look Alo was able to see Nakai was experiencing pain. Because Nakai's spine hadn't been injured, and it was only Nakai's ribs that would need to heal before they moved on, Alo couldn't help but be surprised, and he ruffled Nakai's stubbly head while saying with a smile.

"You only have a couple broken ribs, you lucky bastard. I'm honestly surprised that you're not seriously injured."

Although Nakai was relieved to have no problems regarding his spine or legs, he wasn't grateful towards that large purple bruising covering his entire back. Not only was pressure from any light touch or rock on the ground enough to cause immense pain, but even moving slightly was enough to send a shooting pain from his ribs to the rest of his back, causing Nakai's patience to shorten. Staying in an upright position wasn't helping Nakai's pain either, and he slumped forward in the hopes of easing some of his pain while muttering under his breath to Alo.

"The ribs are the least of my issues."

Alo already knew the bruising on Nakai's back would be causing him unimaginable discomfort, and he let out a long sigh before looking at Nakai with a defeated expression. Alo wanted Nakai to rest, even if it ended up taking a week, but he also knew how impatient Nakai was, as well as how bad of a patient he could be, and spoke in an almost fatherly tone while pointing out to Nakai.

"You of all people should know there is a way to get rid of bruising fast. Nakai."

It took a couple seconds, but Wang Bao was slowly able to follow along with what Alo was offering, and he thought back to the deep tissue massages Nakai would give him after training; the thought alone was enough to make a deep frown appear on Wang Bao's delicate face, and he didn't want to think how bad the pain would be on bruised skin. While Wang Bao was thinking about the high amount of pain Nakai was about to go through, Nakai decided to bite the bullet and quickly rolled over while saying with a tight jaw.

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