Chapter Fifty Three

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Wang Bao had thought the bus ride from the shuttle station to the next town would be a short ride, but after an hour the bus was still driving along a snowy rural road, with no sights of a city in sight. It had been long enough that Wang Bao had calmed down from seeing the guard, but he was now more concerned about Nakai's well being. Although the bus was larger than an average bus in Man country, the vehicle wasn't made for Giants, and Nakai was forced to stay in a hunched position with his knees pressing into his chest if he didn't want to sit on the dirty floor. Every few minutes, Wang Bao would try to squish against the window to make more space, but Nakai would rather stay uncomfortable, instead of both of them being cramped. Despite being uncomfortable, Nakai was busy thinking of a new plan for their group to move. At first the idea of splitting up the group made Nakai hesitate, but the closer they got to the next city, the less ideas he could come up with. In the end, Nakai tapped on Alo's shoulder then motioned for Alo to kneel beside since there was no way he could lean forward anymore than he was. As soon as Alo was beside him, Nakai started whispering in his ear.

"We can't stay as a group, and we can't go use the borders. Are there two routes we can take to get to the coast without using the borders?"

Alo knew it would be too risky to travel all the way to the coast in two groups, and he shook his head before reply in a quiet voice.

"There's a way to get to the next country without using the border, and it will allow us to re-group, instead of having to go all the way to the coast in two groups. Zhang can take a group to the bus station, and I'll take a group to the train station. The bus takes three days with another half day on foot, but it doesn't pass through any major cities. The train takes only one day then half a day on foot as well. What do you think?"

Nakai thought over the two routes and who should go with who. In the end, he knew Mika would struggle being away from Luka, but he also knew that he couldn't travel with Wang Bao since as a pair, they drew too much attention. After exhaling a long sigh from the never ending stress Queen Mother was causing him, Nakai motioned to Zhang while whispering to Alo.

"Luka and I will go with Zhang. Take Wang Bao and Mika with you since it's best if they use the shortest route."

Both Nakai and Alo knew it would be hard for Wang Bao and Mika to cope with being split up from Nakai and Luka, but they had no other options if they wanted to keep everyone safe. All of a sudden, the bus driver's voice came through a speaker informing everyone they would be reaching the stop in twenty minutes. To make sure everyone was ready to separate once the bus stopped, Alo moved to kneel beside Mika and Luka to inform them of the new plan, then told Zhang the change of plan. In order to tell Wang Bao the new plan, Nakai motioned for him to move closer and he whispered in Wang Bao's ear while holding his hand firmly.

"You'll be travelling with Alo and Mika on the train. We won't be going through the borders anymore, so I'll meet you in three days at a secret place Zhang and Alo know of. Stick close with Alo and do as he says, okay?"

As soon as Wang Bao heard Nakai would be separating from him, he grabbed a hold of Nakai's arm with an extreme grip, evident fear in his eyes. Nakai knew Wang Bao would be frightened of the change, but there was no other way if they wanted to make it out of Werebeast Continent unharmed. Before Nakai could try to calm Wang Bao down, Wang Bao knelt on his chair to see Nakai properly while asking a string of quick questions.

"Why do we need to separate? How are you going to find us, Nakai? You said yourself, you don't know these parts. What will happen if you get attacked on the road too? I won't know if-"

Before Wang Bao could have a full on breakdown, Nakai slid off of his chair and knelt on the dirty bus floor to face Wang Bao front on, taking his face in his hands while explaining quietly.

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