Chapter Sixty Six

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After three days on the ferry, the last of the grey weather was behind them, allowing them to dock at a small island one day before scheduled. Wang Bao thought the captain would have come down to bid them farewell, but they followed Alo off the boat, the same way they had gotten on without so much as a glimpse of the hard woman. Looking around, Wang Bao was surprised to see how tropical of an area they had docked. The weather felt like a warm spring, and they were surrounded by a long stretching sandy beach. In what looked to be the centre of the island, there was one large mountain with a lookout on top. Wang Bao didn't know how long they would be staying on the small island, but he wanted to walk to the lookout to see how much of the island he would be able to see. Before anyone could linger around the beach, Alo and Nakai guided everyone to the main road beside the beach. Without looking for a car to drive them, they started walking down the street; the area felt so relaxed and free that it was almost jarring after coming from Werebeast continent. Wang Bao made sure to hold Nakai's hand tightly, as he didn't know if there was anyone looking for him here, but after only a few minutes of walking, Wang Bao noticed the population of the island was made up of only Giants.

Wang Bao had never seen so many Giants in his life before; he wanted to ask Nakai about the island, but when he turned to look at Nakai, his eyes stopped on a tall wire gate. Behind the gate he could see a large two storey beach house. The style was more of a traditional style beach house compared to the other luxury houses built on the mountain side, but anyone could see that whoever lived here had a lot of money. The surprises kept coming for Wang Bao, as he watched Nakai push a series of numbers into the pin pad before the gate slowly slid along, allowing their group to walk into the large front garden area. Behind him, Wang Bao could hear Luka and Mika whisper to one another about the grandness of the house, while Zhang and Luka walked around them to quickly enter the house, pushing in another number sequence as if they had been here before. Seeing the large door that was fit for a Giant, Wang Bao slowly pieced everything together, and he took a couple steps back to properly take in his surroundings. At the same time his hand slipped out of Nakai's, who had also stopped walking after seeing the shocked expression on Wang Bao's face.

As if they didn't notice the growing tension between Nakai and Wang Bao, Luka and Mika quickly ran inside to see if the interior of the house was as nice as the exterior. The look on Wang Bao's face was telling Nakai that he was working through everything that he had been told about the journey, and a few seconds later, Wang Bao asked a question he already knew the answer to.

"Who owns this house?"

Without hesitation, Nakai answered that the house was his. As if he hadn't seen everything he needed to on the first couple spins, Wang Bao slowly spun around, taking in every luxury house and store that they could see from the beach house. When Wang Bao was facing Nakai again, he asked another question that he knew the answer to.

"What about the island? Who owns this island?"

Nakai gave Wang Bao the same answer as before, and he stared at Wang Bao carefully, watching as the cogs continued to work inside Wang Bao's brain. The entire time, Wang Bao remained frozen to the spot he was standing in; the gap between Nakai and Wang Bao was only a few steps, but to both Nakai and Wang Bao, it felt much larger. Wang Bao knew Nakai was keeping things from him for the betterment of innocent people that had no way of protecting themself, but it was only now that he realised his entire life had been an open book for Nakai to read whenever he wanted, while Nakai kept a lot of his past close to his chest. Although this realisation was hard for Wang Bao, he understood where Nakai was coming from. Not wanting to make Nakai wait any longer, Wang Bao gave him a small smile before closing the gap between them. While grabbing his hand, Nakai walked through the Giant size door and into the foyer.

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