Chapter Forty Eight

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The next morning, Nakai, like everyone else, woke up with a stiff and sore body. Not only was Nakai sore from yesterday's activities, but Wang Bao had been tossing and turning all night, waking Nakai up every time he moved or jolted awake. Because Wang Bao was still tucked into his side, sleeping deeply, Nakai awkwardly stuffed his pillow beside Wang Bao before forcing himself out of bed. Holding back the urge to groan loudly, Nakai did a small stretch routine in the middle of the room to help get his body back to normal, and by the end of the quick session, it was only his ankle that was giving him grief. Nakai checked over the wound on his waist to see it was mostly healed aside from the light pink marks from Mana's teeth. Nakai also checked his ankle, and like his waist the black medicine had been absorbed but there was still a small open wound in the shape of Mana's broken teeth. Checking over Wang Bao one last time, Nakai then left their room to look for Kang.

Nakai didn't know where to find Kang so he decided to make his way to the main hall, but Nakai didn't make it to the main hall since he bumped into Kang who was walking down the corridors as well. Nakia could see Kang had been awake for a little while; seeing Kang walk the corridors with a slow pace and his hands held behind his back, Nakai felt Kang appeared more like an wise old man rather than an ancestral chief. Nakai greeted Kang warmly before asking Kang.

"When will your wolves arrive?"

Kang chuckled under his breath at Nakai's bluntness before answering seriously.

"Later on today, but we won't leave straight away. Mana is being executed tomorrow and whoever wants to follow her will also be executed. After that, a proper burial will happen and then we will leave with the new members."

Nakai continued to walk with Kang, and when he heard what Kang had said, he couldn't help but struggle to understand his leniency. As the pair made their way to the main hall, Nakai asked curiously.

"How can you be so trusting of her people? They could attack you at any given moment."

Kang already knew this and he nodded along with what Nakai was saying, but he was quick to reply.

"I understand your concern, Nakai but I think you are underestimating the bond between myself and the other packs. Because I am a direct descendant of our ancestors, that only strengthens mine and my son's connection with other wolves, werebeast or not. Take yesterday for example, Mana's wolves only surrendered to my pack because of my bloodline, had it been another alpha from another pack, they would have killed them without hesitation. My bloodline is what will keep me alive, but it doesn't mean I'll use it against them either. Changes are going to happen, and I'll make sure everyone is safe and comfortable."

By the time Kang finished explaining, the pair had made it to the main hall and Kang said a warm goodbye before walking towards another tunnel to wander through. In the main hall all of Mana's wolves were forced to stay put, along with the small group of Kang's wolves. Nakai was about to return to his room, when he caught sight of the elderly doctor sitting at the other side of the room, glaring at a bowl of porridge in front of her. Seeing the doctor, Nakai suddenly had the urge to discuss something with her and walked over, manoeuvring through the dense crowd of people and wolves. Once Nakai was finally in front of the elderly doctor, he crouched down to be closer to her eye level but before he could say anything, the doctor asked in a bitter voice.

"Is there something you want?"

Nakai ignored her grouchy demeanour and told the elderly doctor in a hushed voice that he wanted to discuss something with her; because Nakai was wanting to be secretive, the elderly doctor figured it had something to do with Wang Bao and she looked around with narrowed eyes before nodding towards the corridor Nakai had just come from, speaking in a similar hushed voice.

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