Chapter One Hundred

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The doctor didn't let Nakai and Wang Lei in once Wang Bao was put under the care of nurses. Because Wang Bao had entered a state of catatonia, they had to make sure he didn't stay in his current state for too long since it would risk him being unable to wake up from the state. Outside the room, Nakai was brooding to himself while Wang Lei paced around the room. All Nakai could hear was the mumbling words that Wang Bao kept repeating over and over, all this time he believed that Wang Bao had gotten better and that Queen Mother would be wrong about Wang Bao but here he was, facing his worst nightmare that could've been prevented.

Wang Lei and Nakai stayed in the waiting room and before they knew it, the sun had begun to set, seeing the last of the day's light fade made Nakai want to kick down the door to the room Wang Bao was in and demand to know what was going on. Before he could, the doors opened and the doctor walked out, looking extremely tired.

"He's stabilised and is no longer in a catatonic state but he will have to be under heavy surveillance, I also need his actual health history, I was given a report when I first got here but I believe that I wasn't given the whole truth."

Nakai went to walk past the doctor, his eyes only on Wang Bao.

"I want to see him."

"I need to say a few things to you first."

Nakai was pushed back by the doctor and the doors closed behind him. Wang Lei hadn't said anything yet but Nakai and the doctor could see that if he wasn't let into the room soon he would break. The doctor worked fast as he sat both men down to get answers for Wang Bao's condition and what led to it.

"A catatonic state does not simply happen, it takes a lot of pressure and stress mixed with other things. Last time I saw Wang Bao he looked completely fine, now what has happened within those few weeks?"

Wang Lei couldn't answer since he had been wrapped up in his own problems and hadn't had the time to see Wang Bao recently, the same was almost the exact position Nakai was in, except he had been there at the time of the tipping point as well as had the information from Rara. Nakai slowly explained everything he had been told about Wang Bao's reactions to Hera's crying as well as his lack of food intake and what he had attempted to do to Hera in his stupor. The doctor rubbed his face roughly before sighing.

"How many times has he had episodes of violence? Are they always targeted at other people or has he also attacked himself?"

Again, Wang Lei couldn't answer since he didn't know. Facing the reality that he wasn't aware of how bad Wang Bao's state of mind was, made Wang Lei sink into a deep hole inside his mind. Nakai explained all the times he had witnessed Wang Bao snap with great detail, ending with when Wang Bao had tried to strangle himself.

"That was the only time he attacked himself that I know of, I had to hypnotise him to get him back to a normal state."

The doctor was silent for a few seconds before he started speaking, obviously choosing his words carefully.

"I understand that Wang Bao didn't have the best upbringing. However, it looks like his recent experiences haven't helped him either. I think it would be best if we separate Wang Bao from everyone and get him into some therapy to get a better understanding of what is going on inside his head."

Both Wang Lei and Nakai were standing up with disgusted faces at the news of the doctor's suggestion. Nakai's voice boomed over Wang Lei's as he shouted angrily.

"What sort of help is that going to give him?!"

Even though there were two large men shouting at him, the doctor stayed stern.

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