Chapter Fifty

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The next day, Wang Bao woke up as if it was any other day, showing that Nakai's hypnosis had worked. Everyone's bags were already packed and the carriages had been fixed enough to travel the rest of the descent of the mountain. Before they actually set off though, Nakai wanted to make sure Wang Bao was back to normal as well as check on his memory. While Wang Bao ate his large breakfast of eggs, toast and roast meat, Nakai started by asking a simple question.

"Wang Bao, how did we meet?"

It took Wang Bao a few seconds to process what Nakai had asked him, as he was too hungry to want to think about anything other than the food in front of him. After taking another bite of his buttered toast, he gave Nakai a funny look before answering seriously.

"The team I had sent to find my brother found you and brought you back to the palace...Don't you remember, Nakai?"

Seeing the expression on Wang Bao's face caused Nakai to chuckle, but instead of answering Wang Bao's question, Nakai continued his light interrogation.

"Do you remember how we left Man Country?"

Wang Bao was chewing a large mouthful of meat as well as loading up his toast with egg, and he could only hum to show he could remember. Once he had finally swallowed the food in his mouth, Wang Bao replied properly before continuing to eat.

"On the ship with Pou and Ma...Why are you asking me this, Nakai?"

Again, Nakai didn't answer Wang Bao's question, instead he asked one more question; however, when asking the last question, Nakai was nervous he would trigger Wang Bao to go into a manic state again.

"Do you remember... How the sea People had talked about Rara being poisoned by some flowers?... Do you know of a plant that could cause someone to become comatose?"

At first Wang Bao looked uncomfortable and Nakai didn't push Wang Bao for an answer. While Wang Bao finished the rest of his breakfast, Nakai sat patiently to see whether or not Wang Bao would answer or not. Once Wang Bao was finally finished, he slowly rubbed his mouth clean with the back of his hand, then finally started speaking; his voice was quiet and distant, as if he was remembering something from a long time ago.

"Once when I was a small child...Maybe the same age as Rara, or a little older. It was my Mother's birthday. She loves flowers and we were playing in her garden as a family. My Brother was eating cake in Mother's lap while I played on the ground with some toys Father had given me. I don't remember much about that day, but I do remember Mother telling me to go to the edge of her garden where a stream was, and pick some flowers for her that grew in the water. After that, all I remember is waking up in the hospital and my Father was beside me with a pale face; he told me I had been in a coma for two weeks... Ever since that day, I can't stand the scent of anything floral."

While Nakai listened to Wang Bao, he glared at the ground with such an intense hatred that he almost burned a hole in the ground. Despite having finished speaking, Wang Bao became slightly dazed as he thought over memories from his past; he was in such a daze that he didn't hear Nakai curse Queen Mother under his breath. When Wang Bao heard Nakai's voice he came back to the present and asked Nakai what he had said, but Nakai only shook his head and quickly kissed him on the cheek. Now that he had no more questions for Wang Bao, Nakai helped him out of bed in order for their group to finally set off down the mountain.

. . . . . . .

After Mana's execution, all of the wolves had been sent to proper rooms to rest before leaving the den. A large brown red blood stain was all that was left after the previous day's actions, and Nakai did his best to keep Wang Bao away from the gorey sight. Their carriages were waiting outside for them, and Nakai could see Luka and Mika walking at the head of the group, with Alo and Zhang tailing behind them like sulky bears. Once everyone was outside, Nakai led Wang Bao to the second carriage and helped him inside, at the same time Nakai felt someone tug on his arm gently, and he turned to see Luka was looking up at him expectantly. When Nakai asked him what he needed, Luka quickly asked Nakai in a bold voice.

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