Chapter Ninety Four

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Nakai was driving to Queen Mother's cell for the fifth day in a row, it was closing in to her execution but her will power and sound of mind was still strong. Nakai was shocked at how well Queen Mother could carry herself but determined to see her break, as he cut the engine and stood out of the car, he thought of a new plan and called two guards to follow behind him. Inside the cell, Queen Mother was sitting on the ground since her bed had been taken away, her feet were calloused and bruised from the constant squatting she had to do for hours on end. When she heard Nakai come in she sighed and looked at him with disgusted eyes.

"Still visiting little old me, shouldn't you be at home, with that disgusting thing that is carrying your child?"

"Wang Bao is fine, thanks for asking."

Nakai sat on the usual chair that was in the middle of the room, the guards waiting anxiously to see what they would be forced to do today. Nakai crossed his arms and cocked a smile before he carried on talking.

"I've been observing you for the past five days and found you're quite the tough woman.... But I know your anchor."

Queen Mother was unbraiding her hair from her night's rest but stopped once she heard Nakai's words, just like that, Nakai knew he was right and he sent the guards forward.

"Put her in the submission position but wait in here, she won't be in it for very long."

Nakai watched with interest as Queen Mother struggled for the first time since their first visit, her hair was forced around her ankles and wrists until she was pushed into a deep squat. Her feet that had been forced to hold her weight on the cold ground looked grotesque from the purple shade they turned quickly. Once the hood was draped over her head, the guards drew back to stand behind Nakai and watched as Queen Mother screamed horrifically. Nakai waited to see if she would calm herself like she did when they first met but her screaming went on until her voice had turned hoarse.

The guards felt they were being equally tortured by the banshee cries of Queen Mother, they almost ran out of the room to get away from the sound. Nakai was the only one unfazed by the sound, he found it satisfying to hear the strong woman that carried herself highly be broken down into a pitiful woman who could only scream. After two hours Nakai nodded towards the woman who could no longer scream and the guards rushed forward, when they went to untie her hair, Nakai put his hand up and the guards stopped.

"Cut her hair off."

Queen Mother's face was deathly pale but once she heard the words she had feared Nakai would say, her entire body flushed with red from her anger. Her voice was barely audible but it didn't stop her from cursing Nakai for her torment.

"You think you can break me?! Go on, cut my hair! It won't stop the fact that Wang Bao is a ticking time bomb and it's only a matter of time before he snaps. I'm sure you've seen glimpses of it already."

The guards stopped, unsure of whether they should continue but Nakai narrowed his eyes coldy at them before stating through his teeth.

"Cut. Her. Hair."

The guards withdrew their knives and slowly cut the hair tangled around Queen Mother's body, they cut close to the knots to lessen the chance of cutting Queen Mother. Although there was only a palm's length of hair cut it was still angering for Queen Mother to see, her body thrashed from side to side in an attempt to push the guards away from her but her body was too weak after being in the submission position for two hours. Nakai was only satisfied once he saw Queen Mother free of her hair, the black strands still laid on the floor delicately but the cut was uneven, making it look less beautiful. When the guards left, they left the dead strands that were no longer attached to the woman's head, Nakai watched as Queen Mother tried to act indifferent but for once, he saw through her mask.

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