Chapter Seventy One

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By the time Wang Lei was walking out of the hospital, the sky was beginning to darken. In the end, Wang Lei's two bite marks on his wrist had to be cleaned and stitched, while his cheek only needed to be cleaned. All Wang Lei wanted to do was eat then head home, but because the bite marks were at risk of infection, Wang Lei was forced to go on antibiotics. After walking out of the pharmacy, Wang Lei turned towards a line of taxis parked along the road, but Nera had a different plan, and pointed in the opposite direction. Nera already knew Wang Lei had been upset and stressed all day, but now it was at the point that Wang Lei's shoulders were almost touching his ears from how bottled up he was. Although Wang Lei was reluctant, he walked with Nera. To calm Wang Lei down, Nera took Wang Lei to a pebbly beach in a secluded area not far from the main township on the island. Because it was dark, everyone on the island stayed closer to the main road, allowing them to have the small beach to themselves. When they started to walk along the beach, Nera intermittently looked towards Wang Lei to see if he was feeling better, but Wang Lei's shoulders were still tense and pointed towards the sky.

Nera knew this meant the only way to get Wang Lei to feel better was to expel all of his pent up frustration, and he started searching the pebbles on the beach. Wang Lei stood in place as he watched Nera hunch over to pick up the small stones, before a small handful of flat pebbles and stones were given to him. Nera had his own pile that was almost triple Wang Lei, and he started skipping the stones across the calm dark water. Despite his hands being much larger than the stones he was throwing, Nera was able to skip the stones over ten times before they would sink to the ocean floor. Once Nera saw that Wang Lei wasn't going to open up on his own, he asked a simple question.

"Who are you angry at? Nakai, Bao, me or yourself."

Wang Lei scoffed at Nera's persistence, and he threw a stone at the one Nera had just tossed, forcing it into the water before it could start skipping forward. For the next three stones Nera tried to skip across the water, Wang Lei swiftly hit them with a pebble. The small game was able to relieve some of the anger Wang Lei was feeling inside, allowing him to finally open up, and once he started talking, he couldn't stop his voice from growing louder with anger.

"I'm mad at everyone. Nakai has done something irreversible when he hasn't known Bao for very long, while Bao foolishly followed Nakai here, allowing himself to be seduced by that asshole! None of this would have happened in the first place if I had been there for my brother, but you gave me the idea of starting the war and running away in the first place!"

With a ball of frustration sitting on his chest, Wang Lei threw his handful of stones into the water, hoping to dispel the last of his high emotions. Beside him, Nera continued skipping stones peacefully, the repetitive motion of the stones bouncing across the water was almost calming for Wang Lei, and he felt that if he tried hard enough, he would be able to reach a calm state. With this in mind, Wang Lei slowly crouched down to search for a few stones to skip. Once he had a handful of flat stones, Wang Lei stood up to try skipping them across the water, at the same time he admitted quietly.

"I'm not angry at you three actually. I knew my decision to leave, even if temporarily, would be hard on Bao. I...I didn't think things would turn out like this though, half a year has already passed, and I still have no idea what to do with Mother...I guess the only thing I can do is go back and talk with her."

The entire time Wang Lei had been speaking, he hadn't been able to skip a single stone, causing him to throw the remaining handful he had into the water with a defeated expression. Seeing Wang Lei's inability made Nera want to laugh, but he held back and tossed his last stone. While he watched it bounce across the dark water, he said to Wang Lei softly.

"I know it will be hard for you, but I'm coming with you, so we'll deal with this issue together."

Seeing how defeated Wang Lei looked, Nera couldn't help but pull him in for a tight hug, and like usual, Wang Lei stood there like a pole. Nera didn't mind Wang Lei's reluctance towards hugging though, since it only pushed him to do it more. Although Wang Lei wasn't hugging Nera back, he rested his head against Nera's firm chest, speaking with a slightly muffled voice.

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