Chapter Fifty One

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At first, Nakai's offer was met with silence while Wang Bao tried to process what had actually been said to him, since Nakai had never said anything like this to him before. Once Wang Bao had processed everything, he nodded slightly then shuffled forward to allow some space for Nakai to fit in the tub. Seeing Wang Bao was in a happier mood, the itch inside Nakai's chest faded and he quickly undressed himself. Despite Wang Bao moving forward, the tub was still too small for the two of them, and Wang Bao was forced to sit on Nakai's lap. Not only was the tub small, but the wooden floorboards groaned ominously from their shared weight. Holding his breath, Wang Bao slowly relaxed when they didn't fall through the floor, and he turned the water off before finally relaxing against Nakai. While Nakai slouched into the water comfortably, Wang Bao said in a quiet voice.

"It's quite annoying whenever I feel inferior or lonely. I don't want to feel like that, but I can't stop those feelings from coming to the surface."

Nakai understood where Wang Bao was coming from, and he kissed along Wang Bao's inky black hair delicately before replying in a similar quiet voice.

"The longer you spend away from the palace, the better you will feel. It will take time though, Wang Bao."

Wang Bao already knew it would take a long time until he would be able to separate his past from his current or future self, but it didn't stop him from feeling frustrated over his lack of control on his emotions. To get himself out of his sour mood, Wang Bao spun around to face Nakai who had his eyes closed. He hadn't noticed until now that Nakai's hair had a slight wave to it, but it had also grown out a lot since their first meeting. Wang Bao gently pulled Nakai's grown out hair into a slicked back ponytail; the image reminded him of Nakai's buzz cut and he suddenly had an idea. With Nakai relaxing comfortably in the warm water, Wang Bao tugged on his hair playfully while asking.

"Can I cut your hair?"

Nakai opened his eyes a small slither to see Wang Bao was looking at him with intense excitement; seeing an expression like this on Wang Bao made Nakai's heart jump, and he quickly agreed without a second thought. While Nakai went back to relaxing, Wang Bao scurried out of the tub and into the bedroom to find Nakai's knife; he had never cut hair before, let alone using a knife to cut hair and once he was back in the room, Wang Bao didn't quite know what to do. Before starting, Wang Bao figured it was good to place a towel down for his knees since he was still naked, and Nakai helped by sitting up a little. Before he started cutting anything, Wang Bao ran his fingers through Nakai's dark brown hair; at the same time, Nakai told him seriously.

"Don't go too close to the scalp, Wang Bao; you don't know how to use that blade."

Wang Bao wouldn't dare to get too close to Nakai's skin with any form of weapon, whether he knew how to use it or not and he happily agreed while saying.

"Don't worry. I'll just tidy it up."

Nakai suddenly had second thoughts concerning Wang Bao's ability or lack thereof, but he wasn't bothered enough to care about the potential bad outcome and let Wang Bao play however he wanted. To start, Wang Bao pinched a small section of Nakai's hair near the crown and sliced it off, letting the no longer attached hairs drop to the ground. Looking over his work, Wang Bao found the small section didn't look half bad, and he continued to grab tufts of hair to cut with a wide smile on his face. It didn't take long for the shaggy hair Nakai used to have to become shorter and shorter, until Wang Bao realised his mistake and quickly put the blade down. On the sides and hairline of Nakai's head where Wang Bao hadn't been able to reach, the length was left untouched, creating a halo of long wavy hair, but for the rest of Nakai's hair, it was a different story; small chunks of hair stuck out wildly while other sections were completely bald, leaving Nakai to look like a mad man with a handsome face. When Wang Bao thought of what Nakai would look like from the front, he had to work hard to hold back his laughter, but ended up letting a muffled snicker out.

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