Chapter Eighty Three

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After Wang Bao's scare with his stomach feeling like it was ripping open, Wang Xei had demanded he give him a massage before bed every night. Tonight was no different and Wang Bao groaned in pain as his muscles were manipulated to stay relaxed. Just like clock work, as soon as the tension and pain left his body, Wang Bao fell into a deep sleep. Mr Liu had caught on quickly that Wang Xei was feeling a certain way towards Wang Bao but he didn't know how deep those feelings were or if he had good intentions. Usually Wang Xei would step out to relieve himself after the intense massage but Mr Liu was stopped when he tried to cover Wang Bao with the blankets on the bed.

"He won't be sleeping in here tonight."

"We're going back to the shack? But with his condition....It won't be good for his body."

Wang Xei dressed Wang Bao in his own clothes, they were loose around his arms and legs but tight around his belly that had grown a little more. Wang Xei only spoke to Mr Liu once Wang Bao was wrapped up in a cocoon of blankets.

"He's coming with me while you are going back to the shack. Mother will be here soon so It's best if you get outside now."


Mr Liu tried to stand between Wang Xei and Wang Bao but his old body was shoved through the bedroom door and outside, Wang Xei used a firm grip on the man's arm but not as hard as he would've in the past. As he was locking the wooden door, he spoke through the wood with his usual playful tone.

"Don't worry old man, my Brother will be here within the week so you won't starve to death."

"Wang Xei where are you taking Prince Bao?! He won't be able to travel in his condition."

Wang Xei didn't answer the questions as he whistled a happy tone while walking back inside. He was only inside for a few minutes before his Mother was walking through the door, her eyes red from anger.

"He's here! How does that boy know about this place?!"

"That Old Liu would've told him. I told you to find him before leaving the palace, now look, your plans are failing and it's barely seen the light of day."

Wang Xei was packing food from his fridge that Mr Liu had made out of anxiety into a bag for the road while his Mother paced around his living room, her sleek hair was sticking up in odd ways because of the constant running of her fingers through it. She was so preoccupied with trying to figure out how to get rid of Wang Lei quickly with the small amount of resources, that she didn't see Wang Xei walk up behind her. There was a sharp pain in her neck and she fell to the ground. Wang Xei didn't bother with trying to catch her as he pulled a chair over and pushed her body up. His voice was quiet as he mumbled to himself.

"Why did you have multiple kids if all you were going to do is try to kill them off?....Really, you couldn't stop at one?"

When Wang Xei was done with securing his Mother's body to the chair, he pulled out a piece of paper and pen to write a note before glueing it to the woman's face, she started to stir as she felt something cold touch her face and once she tried to move her arms, she found that she couldn't move a single centimeter. Her voice was shrill as she screamed out to Wang Xei who was now in his room.

"You bastard! I should've gotten rid of you when you disappointed me all those years ago!"

"Probably. Welp, now your Wang Lei's problem.....I should probably gag you though."

With Wang Bao in his arms, Wang Xei fought to shove a thick cloth in his Mother's mouth before quickly tapping it over, although she couldn't articulate any words it didn't stop her from screaming at Wang Xei, her eyes narrowed. As soon as she saw Wang Bao in Wang Xei's arms it made her anger boil over even more and she thrashed her body about as hard as she could, as if her body could break the tight ropes holding her down. With nothing left to do, Wang Xei picked up the bag of food and walked out of the house with the still sleeping Wang Bao in his arms. Once he was outside he could hear the loud booming of gun fire echoing off the surrounding land, Wang Xei didn't waste time and made his way down to the river where a small warf was with a small row boat sitting in the water. He placed Wang Bao down in the boat before getting in himself and rowed out to the middle of the river, using the current to push them away from the sound of gun fire.

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