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13. Into The Wild

"So you're in the middle of nowhere, right now?" April asked Jeremy.

"Pretty much, yeah" Jeremy replied.

"Just be careful, okay?" April said.

"I will" Jeremy assured, "I promise".

"Jeremy there's something I need to tell you" April said.

"What?" Jeremy asked confused.

"I--" April hesitated, "Actually, nevermind".


"Look, just come back to me safely, and I'll tell you" April said.

"You have yourself a deal" Jeremy said, a smile on his face.

"Couldn't they have hidden this cure in Hawaii?" Damon asked, sharpening his sword, "Where the hell did you take us?".

"Two hundred miles off the Nova Scotia mainland" Shane replied.

Originally it was only meant to be Damon, Aria, Rebekah, Kol and Jeremy who went to retrieve the cure, Caroline and Klaus stayed in Mystic Falls keeping an eye on Elena, Stefan and Bonnie, but when the group of five reached the airport, they were met with Shane, who no matter what they did, refused to let them leave without him, so against their better judgement they let Shane lead them to the cure, deciding if he betrays them, they can at least call Klaus and Caroline and ask them to decode the sword.

"The whole point was to hide the cure on the most obscure, desolate island" Shane said.

"Oh, yeah?" Damon asked, as Aria walked over to them, "I thought the whole point was so that no one found Silas and Damien, the oldest, deadliest, two freaks in the world".

"Yeah, that too" Shane replied, he then turned to Aria, "So, how are you feeling?".

"Excuse me?" Aria asked confused.

"You took Bonnie's magic from her, you merged her magic with your own, meaning you now have expression" Shane replied, "You need to be really careful Aria, your magic is no longer in your control".

"I don't need your advice Shane" Aria snapped, "My magic is completely fine, maybe you should worry more about getting us to the cure and less about me".

"Yeah, she has her boyfriend for that" Damon said, glaring at Shane.

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you" Shane said, pulling out a bottle of sunscreen, "Sunscreen?".

"Is that a joke?" Damon asked.

"Right" Shane whispered, slightly embarrassed.


"Why am I tying a knot and not you?" Rebekah asked, tying the boat to the shore.

"You always talk about girl power sister, so show me some of your power" Kol replied, glaring at Shane.

"Glaring at Shane isn't going to make him disappear" Rebekah said.

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