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15. I Would For You

"Look whose finally up from her beauty sleep" Kol teased, entering Aria's hospital room and seeing her get off a video call with Caroline.

"Yeap, finally" Aria said, as Kol handed her some hot chocolate, "How did you know I was craving this?".

"Because I know you" Kol said simply, taking a seat on the stool by Aria's bed.

Aria chuckled, "Yes you do" she said, taking a small sip of her hot chocolate.

"So, were you talking to Caroline just now?" Kol asked.

Aria nodded, "Nik and Caroline took the twins and the triplets to New Orleans till we take care of this Rayna mess, I was checking to make sure everything was okay and see my babies".

Kol nodded in understanding, "By the way, how's your magic?".

"Still not hundred precent back, but--", Aria looked at the metal tray by the front of her bed, she lifted her hand and a scalpel flew right into it, "It's not gone either".

"Nice" Kol commented.

Aria smiled at Kol, she then looked at her hands, more specifically her engagement ring, "Is he gone?".

Kol sighed, "Yeah" he whispered, not needing Aria to say a name for him to know who she was talking about.

Aria looked at Kol, "Have any idea where to?".

"Well, after giving you his blood to make the healing process a bit faster, he left saying he had a plan to kill Rayna" Kol informed.

"And let me guess, he told you nothing because he doesn't want either of us interfering" Aria concluded.

"Yeah" Kol said, "According to him and I quote, this is a Damon only show, it's Damon versus Rayna".

"That's going to send him right back to hell" a frustrated Aria said, shaking her head at Damon's stubbornness, "I mean, he doesn't even know how to kill her, none of us do, and what happens if before he kills her, she kills him?", Aria's phone ringing stopped her ranting session, looking down at her phone, a smile formed on her face, she then looked towards Kol and waved her phone, "But there is someone who might know how to end this once and for all".

"Nope" Kol said, immediately hating Aria's idea, "Let's not go there Ri, for my sanity, keep him away from him".

"Enzo's been calling me a lot" Aria informed, "I've been ignoring his calls because I have a feeling in his own way he wants to apologise and frankly I didn't want to hear it, until now, Kol if I go back to that creepy place, there's a chance we might find out more info about this huntress, maybe then we'd know how to kill her".

Before Aria could answer her phone, Kol snatched it from her hand, "Are you insane?" he asked, "You literally just woke up and you want to go back to the place that caused you pain, when are you going to stop putting yourself in the fire line for Damon?".

Aria looked at Kol in confusion, "What's with the harsh tone?" she asked, never seen Kol like this before.

"Ri, please for the love god, just stay put, for once stay out of it" Kol pleaded, ignoring Aria's question, even he didn't know why he was suddenly feeling like this, he just knew he couldn't get the phoenix stone and Tyler's word out of his head.

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