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10. Hell Is Other People

Phoenix Stone,

Fall 1863, Confederate Front Line

A human Damon Salvatore, slowly woke up only to realise he was in the middle of a battlefield with gun shots and bombs going off all around him, he looked down at his stomach, realising he was severely bleeding, Damon slowly stood up, trying his best to ignore the pain, he then looked around and was shocked seeing the amount of bloodshed he was surrounded by.

"Damon" a familiar voice called out to the panicking human.

A confused and hysterical Damon turned around only to come face to face with his soulmate.

"Ria?" Damon said confused, wondering what Aria was doing here.

Before Aria could say anything, another bomb went off, causing Damon to shield his face, when he looked back up, Aria was no longer there, and suddenly all of her memories that Damon had remembered when he saw her were also gone from his mind.

"Salvatore!" someone called out, "Help me!".

Damon turned around to face the person who called out his name, "Henry" he realised, seeing his fellow solider, stuck underneath a canon, "Please" he pleaded, "You must help me".

Damon slowly walked over to Henry and rolled the canon off of him, causing him to scream in pain, Damon then helped Henry stand, "Come, we are getting out of here" he stated, putting one of Henry's arm around his shoulders, dragging both of them away from this mess.


After receiving a letter from his distress brother, Damon decided to take a leave however his supervisor told him that if he wanted to leave, he first needed to bring in the union sympathizers that were hiding, only then would Damon's leave be granted.

"Two weeks at home?" Henry asked Damon, as they walked through the words, with Damon looking down at his compass, "Can you imagine? How grand, I cannot wait to see my girl Olive, she's a real peach, you have a sweetheart, Damon?".

"No, but I have to see my brother" Damon replied.

Henry looked at Damon, uncertainty shown clearly on his face, "Damon, are you certain about this?".

"About what, Henry?" a slightly confused Damon asked.

"About the mission" Henry clarified, "These men? These deserters, we are supposed to capture? They are just regular fellows who do not believe in the cause, like me, like you".

"It is true" Damon said, "I could give a damn about this war Henry, to be honest, I only enlisted to please my father".

"But then how can you be fine with rounding up men just like you?" Henry asked.

"It is not my fault they deserted, Henry" Damon replied, "They made their beds, but now they're our ticket home".

Damon and Henry stopped walking as a large farmhouse appeared in their vision, exchanging a look, the two soldiers then proceeded to walk towards the front door of the house, once they got to the front door, Damon knocked on it, only for a young woman to open it.

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