Reinforcements Arrived!

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Soon after being shocked Half to death You had woken up with the rest of The Heroes Tied up In Gravity Locks inside of Brainiacs Ship as he and Darkseid watched.

Y/n: You Bastard... Why would you team up with Darkseid?

Brainiac: Darkseid had Promised me The Heroes of the earth but A God on top of that is Just A Bonus. I shall Proceed to learn everything about all of you and then Kill you when nothing else can be learned.

Meanwhile, Darkseid was walking Behind Brainiac to his Ship and Placed A Small device on the controls.

Y/n: You think you can Kill us? 

Brainiac: Did you think I would attack Apocalypse? It's A Futile effort because I have nothing to Gain from it. Darkseid is A Great Ally and with Our combined Power we shall Take over the entire multiverse and- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!

Brainiac was then shocked as Darkseid stepped on his back smiling.

Darkseid: He was starting to annoy me

Y/n: Y-You Bastard... Why would you do that!?

Darkseid: Why would I do anything? for Power, and Now with Brainiacs Technology I shall conquer the Multiverse.

You then smiled confusing the new God.

Darkseid: Huh? Why are you Smiling Brat?

Y/n: Oh, I just thought something like this could Happen.

Just then A Huge Hole was Blasted out of the wall and Just then Standing there were Math, Medaka, Erza, Naruto, and Ichigo!

Y/n: There's my Friends

Darkseid: What!?

Math/Naruto: Rasengan!!

They then Knocked Darkseid down and Medaka ran over to turn off the Locks as Erza then Grabbed you.

Erza: Y/n are you Okay?

Y/n: Yeah, Just Take everyone and leave me and Math alone.

Erza: Why?

You then Looked at Math and He Nodded.

Darkseid: Tch, You Brats!

Y/n/Math: Fuuuu... Sion~ HA!!

Just then You two fused into Ymath as you turned to the others.

Ymath: All of you take the Boom tube out of here, I have something to do.

Everyone nodded as they began to take the Heroes out of there and Darkseid Looked at you Not Impressed!

Darkseid: And what are you going to do? 

 Ymath: I'm going to beat you until your nothing more than A Stain on the ground.

Darkseid: How cute, I shall destroy- AAGH!

You then Spin kicked him and sent him flying!

Ymath: Ha! Sorry for Hitting you but you were wide Open. If you want me to be bowing at your feet then you're going to have to make me

Darkseid: I don't need you to bow at my feet, I JUST NEED YOU DEAD!

He then Fired some Omega beams that you simply slapped away and you Punched him in the eyes!


You then Impaled him through the gut with the Master Blade as you smiled.

Ymath: Oh, I'm sorry, does that Hurt? I thought you were A God, Not A Weakling

Darkseid: I shall gain the antilife equation and Put everything Under my rule you fool

Ymath: I Highly doubt that. You're nothing more than A Weakling in my eyes and I'm Just in base form. You haven't seen me Transform yet into... YMATH BLUUUEEEE!!

You then Turned SSJBlue as Darkseid tried to get up, but you kept unleashing A Flurry of Punches at him!

Ymath: I thought you were some Invincible God! But no, you're just some Pathetic weakling!

Darkseid: Enough!

He then shot out more Omega beams, but you dodged them and punched him in the face before Uppercutting him and then you bashed him against A Wall, and...


You then Created a Massive explosion as Brainiac's Ship Begins to break down and you walked Towards Darkseid ready to finish this Until...

Batman: Kid we need to leave Now!

Ymath: Huh?

Batman had Grabbed onto you and then sucked you both through A Boom tube back to earth as Darkseid watched on Trapped under A Bunch of rubble Bleeding.

Darkseid: I'll come back. I always come back, Mortal God

Just then Brainiac's ship Blew up Killing both Brainiac and Darkseid as the wreckage flew all across Apocalypse! Ending Two Tyrants in One shot.

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