New girls and A Holy Grail!

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We Open up as you were Back in School as you were Prepared for Lunch outside this time because it was such A Nice day and you smiled as You Pulled out A Huge Bento Box!

Y/n: Well, I am Hungry Today, so Why not?

You were Prepared to eat when suddenly A Girl walked up to you.

???: Hey, Idiot.

Y/n: Oh, Hello Rin, how is this Beautiful Flower doing today?

Rin: (Blushing) Tch, Shut up Idiot! I want you to come with me, It's Important.

Rin Tohsaka (She is One of the Most Popular girls in School/ She is Seen at School as A Prim and Proper Student but at Home she's A Shrewd, Stingy, and Bossy Woman/ She is the header of the Tohsaka Household and She is one of the greatest Summoner...

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Rin Tohsaka (She is One of the Most Popular girls in School/ She is Seen at School as A Prim and Proper Student but at Home she's A Shrewd, Stingy, and Bossy Woman/ She is the header of the Tohsaka Household and She is one of the greatest Summoners in the world/ She Secretly has A Crush on you but won't admit it)

Y/n: Alright then, Tsun Tsun~

Rin then Bashed you over the head with A Fan.

Rin: I said Shut up!

Y/n: Fine, Fine.

Soon she has Taken you to Another Table where two other Lovely Ladies are waiting for you.

Sakura: Hello, Y/n-Kun.

Sakura (An Adopted Girl and Rin's Biological Sister/ She is A Shy and Reserved girl who Can be Stubborn at times and Hold Resentments easily)

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Sakura (An Adopted Girl and Rin's Biological Sister/ She is A Shy and Reserved girl who Can be Stubborn at times and Hold Resentments easily)

Illya: Hiya Y/n!

Illya (An 18-Year-Old Woman despite her Looks/ She is A Homunculi Born to be A Vessel where Souls of defeated Servants will go/ She is A Happy and well going Type of Gal but deep down she is very Lonely and needs companion ship)

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Illya (An 18-Year-Old Woman despite her Looks/ She is A Homunculi Born to be A Vessel where Souls of defeated Servants will go/ She is A Happy and well going Type of Gal but deep down she is very Lonely and needs companion ship)

Y/n: Hey Girls! Something wrong?

Illya: Why would you say that?

Y/n: Usually when People need me something has gone wrong.

Rin: Okay, I'll tell you, we're dealing with A Monster.

Y/n: Like A Literal Monster or-?

Sakura: No, It is A Servant by the name of Gilgamesh.

Y/n: Wait, you mean the Original Heracles? Oh, that is Not good.

Rin: Exactly.

Y/n: Well, Let's Kick his Butt then!

Rin: It won't be that easy.

Y/n: Huh?

Rin: You're going to need to Summon A Servant.

Y/n: Alright, I got that! Though How do I do that exactly? It's my First time.

Rin: This Baka is going to need Help.

Sakura/Illya: (Sweat drop) Yep...

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