The Akira Case!

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We Open up in the Middle of nowhere where you were Practicing some new Techniques because after Battling Jiren you had realized two different things. 1. You can't stop Training Now, and 2. Everyone is continuing to get stronger so it's best not to fall behind now.

Y/n: Alright! Alright! Alright! Let's do this! HAAAAAAAA!!

You then summoned two Shadow Clones which Began to charge Chakra into your Hand with one Being Wind Chakra and the other being Nen Energy and you smiled.


You then Threw A Massive Rasenshuriken with the Power of a Massive Typhoon and it sliced A Mountain in Half with complete and total ease!

Y/n: Yes! I Actually did it! I Infused Nen and Chakra together. That's Good, but I need to get Stronger.

Just then you heard some slow Clapping Behind you and You Turned to see A Man with Dark Dull Eyes, Looking at you.

Y/n: Wait, who are you?

L: Oh Yes, I am L Lawliet, the world's Greatest Detective and I need your Help with A Case.

L Lawliet (The World's Greatest Detective/ He is A Virtually Insanely Smart Man who can figure out anything even at the mere age of 5/ He never concerns himself with any Crimes unless they have at least 10 million dollars on the Line or have 10 de...

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L Lawliet (The World's Greatest Detective/ He is A Virtually Insanely Smart Man who can figure out anything even at the mere age of 5/ He never concerns himself with any Crimes unless they have at least 10 million dollars on the Line or have 10 deaths or more/ He is currently on the Akira Case which has Hundreds of Criminals dead for no reason)

Y/n: (Thoughts) Seriously? I think Batman could Kick his Emo boy Looking Ass. (Out of thoughts) So what do you need?

L: Have you ever heard of the Akira Case?

Y/n: The What?

L: Hundreds of Criminals were Killed in Just weeks from unknown reasons. They Just fall down and die.

Y/n: That's Good right?

L: None of them were sentenced to death, and this Murderer is Targeting Innocent people.

Y/n: That's Bad.

L: Indeed. There are no signs of Trauma or even Poisoning, or anything like that. So, I Suspect Magic.

Y/n: Magic? How?

L: I frankly Have no Idea, But I believe that A Man by the Name of Light Yagami were killing these People, but I have no Idea how. That's where you come in.

Y/n: Woah! I am not Bait!

L: That's not What I mean. I need you to Get close to him or anyone he knows and infiltrate to find any evidence. If you could Place a Camera and Have Evidence of him Using Magic to kill anyone, then boom we have our Man.

Y/n: So, I'm A Spy?

L: Exactly.

Y/n: Hmm... I Do Like the Idea of Turning some Dirt Bag into Justice.

L: Is it A Deal? I shall Reward you Handsomely if you do.

Y/n: Hmm... It's A Deal.

L: Good. Now here is the Location of where you can find Light Yagami during his Usual day. You can find him at these exact Places and Times.

He then Hands you A Sheet with Places and Times.

Y/n: This sounds like Stalking.

L: I do what I do to Get the Job done, Y/n.

Y/n: Okay then I suppose. (Thoughts) This Guy seems A Little... Weird. Then again Weird is my Daily Thing.

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