Dire, Dire Docks!

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Soon after exploring the Basement some more, you had found another Secret entrance and you soon went underground once again to find A Submarine with Bowsers Logo in the water, and there were A Bunch of Cannon's Lying around!

Y/n: Okay so this is also how the Turtle bastard got in. Personally, I assume.

Just then Cannons Began to aim for you and shot out Bullet Bills.

Bullet Bills:

Y/n: Oh Geez... 

You then Jumped on All of the Bullet Bills Destroying them!

Y/n: Huh, I wonder Bowser would do if he found out these never ever work?

In Y/n's Imagination...

A/n: Beginning-1:16

Y/n: Eh. I would do the same To Be Honest

You then climbed up the Submarine and Grabbed the First Star!

Y/n: Alright, that was easy. I Just got to dodge Bullet Bills and I should be fine.

You then dove Underwater and began to open chests in A Certain Order Just to Grab Another Star!

Y/n: (Thoughts) Alright, two down, 4 more to go!

You then Began to climb up to the ceiling to what you Began Grabbing Poles from the ceiling moving between each and every one of them, collecting All of the red coins giving you your third star!

Y/n: Alright, Great!

You then soon dove back into the Water as you Began to swim through A Bunch of Bubble rings as soon you Began to follow A Giant Manta ray which left A Bunch of More Bubble rings and You Gained two More Stars!

Y/n: (Thoughts) Woohoo! Just two more stars Left!

You then Noticed the final Star was in A Cage underwater and of course you had A Simple solution. You Just teleported inside of the Cage and teleported back out onto Dry Land with Star in Hand!

Y/n: Alright, this Place is done! Now it's time for the next Place.

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