Akira and Ryuk!

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We Open up at A Dark Room somewhere in A House somewhere in New Tokyo, as in there was the Horrific Akira Himself. Light Yagami. He is A Man Who Rivals L in Intelligence but despite having everything in Life, he is A Sadistic Monster who sees himself as A God Of death.

Light: Hmm, what to do, what to do? Who shall I take out next? I can't even touch that man until I figure out who he is, so that's A No Go. (Sigh) This Bastard, keeps Toying with me! I shall destroy Him!

Light Yagami (He is A teenager who has everything in Life until he found the death Note which unleashed his Inner Sociopath and turned him into A Monster/ He believes he's Making the world A Better Place but in reality, he's Killing Innocence/ He ...

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Light Yagami (He is A teenager who has everything in Life until he found the death Note which unleashed his Inner Sociopath and turned him into A Monster/ He believes he's Making the world A Better Place but in reality, he's Killing Innocence/ He is the first owner of the Death Note and is A Total Monster/ He also Holding an Apple which makes him even more of an Asshole)

Misa: Light? Light?

A Cute Blonde girl was Now Poking his cheek and he wasn't having any of it.

Misa: Light? When are you going to take me out? I want to have A Big Mac. They serve those at Taco Bell right, Light?


Misa: Hmph, Fine! Most Boyfriends At least Take their Girlfriends out during Weekend Night, instead of being stuffed up in their room.

Light: We're not Dating, Misa.

Misa: Are you sure? Because I see it that way~!

Misa Amane (An Unwilling Accomplice in Light's Crimes/ She is Pretty Much A Few Fries Short of A happy Meal/ She is Pretty Much Obsessed with Light even though he really doesn't like her/ She is Pretty Much a Toy of Lights Plan)

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Misa Amane (An Unwilling Accomplice in Light's Crimes/ She is Pretty Much A Few Fries Short of A happy Meal/ She is Pretty Much Obsessed with Light even though he really doesn't like her/ She is Pretty Much a Toy of Lights Plan)

Light: Ugh! I Guess I have to Cover some Loose Ends Then. Misa How do you feel about me going out with other women?

Misa: Hey It's fine as Long as you get it out of Your system by the time, we get Married.

Light: God damn Idiot.

???: Light! You can't believe me what. Happened Today!

Light: What is it, Ryuk?

Ryuk: I was at the Grocery Store Picking up some Apples and I Bumped into an Old Lady and her Milk spilled all over me! I have to get this Leather dry cleaned all over again! This is Terrible!

Ryuk (He is A Shinigami of Death who is inside of the Death Note/ He is A Virtually Insane Monster who is Light's Partner in Crime/ He Loves Apples and will Kill anyone who is Written in the Book/ He can only ever be seen by the books Wielder)

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Ryuk (He is A Shinigami of Death who is inside of the Death Note/ He is A Virtually Insane Monster who is Light's Partner in Crime/ He Loves Apples and will Kill anyone who is Written in the Book/ He can only ever be seen by the books Wielder)

Light: I don't see how this is my Problem.

Ryuk: Well, A Certain Boy could write in A Book the Old Ladies Name and KILL HER! Now I have her Picture right here.

Light: That sounds like A Grievous Misuse of my Powers.

Ryuk: I'm about to Misuse my Hands upside your Head!

Light: I hate Fanfictions. Ryuk, I have some People for you to Kill, to tie up some Loose Ends.

Ryuk: And who that Might be?

Light: Remember that Man we Killed?

Ryuk: Yes?

Light: What about his Pest of A Daughter?

Ryuk: I Like where this is going. Just Keep Talking and Begin Writing. I'll do the rest.

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