Peace time has Returned!

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Peace has returned back to New Tokyo as Meruem had called off the consumption of Human Flesh which had received A Mix view from his Subjects. Many were Loyal enough to agree with him but very few ended up Leaving to do their own thing.

Kinue: Here you go! I made you Sushi!

Meruem: Sushi? What is that?

Kinue: Oh, It's Fish, Rice, and Seaweed.

Meruem: You Humans eat Strange Food. Though I shall try it.

The King of the Chimera Ants then Began to try some, and he Liked it enough to eat all of it.

Meruem: This is Heavenly! More Please?

Kinue: I always enjoy guests with A Big appetite! 

Meruem: Thank you Ms. L/n.

Meanwhile you were sitting nearby with everyone else.

Killua: I seriously cannot Believe you became Friends with the King of all Chimera Ants.

Y/n: Hey He's Family Now, and if you remember your family too Little Brother.

Killua: S-Shut up, Idiot! I never agreed to be your little brother!

Y/n: Okay, Little brother.

Killua: Nrrrgh!

Y/n: Hahahaha!

Just then Pitou walked over and Began Licking your Cheek, as Hina Began Hugging you around your Chest.

Pitou: Nya, You Taste delicious!

Y/n: You're not going to eat me, right?

Pitou: Nope! I mean, you seem very Lovely~

Hina then Began to Kiss you as she smiled.

Hina: Yeah, you are the best! Love you!

Y/n: Awwww, Thanks Girls! I wonder where the other Chimera Ants went.


All For One: DAMNIT! We Lost the strongest of all of the Chimera Ants!

???: Don't worry about it. You still have your new Queen.

All For One: Zazan.

Zazan: Of Course, I can make my own Chimera Ants with my Sexy Sting~

Zazan (A Scorpion Chimera Ant/ She is A Sadistic, Egotistical, Maniacal Chimera Ant who has self-Appointed herself as the queen of the Chimera Ants/ Her Stinger can Turn People into Half Animal Hybrids and those who are not strong enough Die)

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Zazan (A Scorpion Chimera Ant/ She is A Sadistic, Egotistical, Maniacal Chimera Ant who has self-Appointed herself as the queen of the Chimera Ants/ Her Stinger can Turn People into Half Animal Hybrids and those who are not strong enough Die)

All for One: Hmm, of course. Now Zazan?

Zazan: Yes?

All For One: How would you like to Genetically Be Modified to be able to Birth your own Chimera Ant Children?

Zazan: Me? A Queen? Well Sign me up~

All For One: Excellent.

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