The Adventures of Rock Lee and Friends!

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Ah, The Hidden Leaf Village. It is A Place where The Greatest Ninja's in the world are Born, and we Usually see the Adventures of One Naruto Uzumaki and even his Cousin Carlos Matthew Uzumaki, but Today we are looking at A Ninja who can't even. Use Ninjutsu. Rock Lee.


A Young girl was being Chased by A Trio of Masked Goons who soon cornered her in an Alleyway!

Goon 1: Alright little girl you better Pay up Now!

Goon 2: Yeah, you have nowhere to run Now!

Goon 3: And Nobody can help you!

???: That's not True!!

They all then Turned around but quickly got confused when they saw Rock lee running towards them on all fours Like A Crab.

Goon 1: Uh... Who are you, Punk?

Lee: I don't feel like I need to tell you, but I shall Introduce myself anyway to get it out of the way! I am A Ninja who Only know two Words! Determination! Stamina! And I Believe in Love as well! I am Rock Lee!

Goon 2: Just get out of here, Punk! We have our own thing to do here!

Lee: No, I am going to save this girl so watch out! HIYA!

Lee then Began running towards the Three Goons until he Noticed some Dog Crap on the ground and he narrowly dodged it before he fell grabbing on the First Goon's Pants and depantsing him.


He then Began to run away with his two Goons following him!


Lee: Uh Yeah, that's what I meant to do! That was A Technique Where you can Take down an opponent without actually Hurting them! Elimination by Depantisifcation!

The People around them were Talking about how clearly Just Tripped but the girl was Just amazed.

Girl: Wow, that was amazing!

???: You Idiot!

Just then Lee got hit by A Giant Fan as he slammed into A Wall! It was By Tenten!

Tenten: What were you thinking!?

And then Neji showed up.

Neji: He clearly had no Idea what he was doing.

Lee: That's what you think! I was able to save this girl from being attacked!

Girl: Thank you Rock Lee! I really need some Help.

Team Lee: Huh?


They were all now on A Rooftop where The girl was explaining everything.

Girl: You see my Dad Borrowed some Money from A Loan shark and now they want us to Pay 10X Back or else they won't Leave us alone.

Tenten: So Loan Sharks Huh? Sounds like Trouble.

Lee: No Worries, I shall defeat those Goons and Save you Becuase it is my Job to do so!

The girl was now giving him heart eyes as he smiled.

Lee: I can tell by your eyes you had fallen for me.

Neji: Lee, We already have A Mission to do.

Lee: But this is also very Important, and we Must Help her!

Tenten then sent him flying into A Cliff face as she Just sighed.

Tenten: Look We would Love to help but this below our Paygrade.

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