Demons Attack! / The Death Clock!

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It has been 1 Day in, and things had Clearly gone south because Demons had been Unleashed onto New Tokyo and the defense forces were forced to Quarantine large Portions of the city causing everyone to fend for themselves.

Right now, you had Made your way to the Graveyard just as Naoya said, and you were waiting when suddenly Math arrived.

Math: Hey Buddy I'm here!

You then quickly Hugged him!

Y/n: Dude, I'm Happy your here.

Math: Yeah, Me too. Look we need to hurry this up and quickly. New Tokyo is thrown into Chaos.

Y/n: Yeah, I Know. Demons are running Rampant, and I am afraid of what will Happen to everyone.

Math: Yeah, Me too.

Just then the Third Member of your group had Finally arrived.

Yuzu: Hey Boys!

Yuzu Tanikawa (She is A Bubbly and Kind soul who is A Long-time member of your Friend group/ She sometimes doubts her own abilities and what she can do/ She is Called Yohoo by Math which she doesn't really like/ Has A Crush on you)

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Yuzu Tanikawa (She is A Bubbly and Kind soul who is A Long-time member of your Friend group/ She sometimes doubts her own abilities and what she can do/ She is Called Yohoo by Math which she doesn't really like/ Has A Crush on you)

Y/n: Hey Yuzu!

Math: Hey Yohoo!

Yuzu: Don't call me that Matthew.

Math: Okay, Yohoo!

Yuzu: Ugh!

Y/n: Okay Guys, I had found something out.

Math/Yuzu: What is it?

Y/n: Well, I was Fiddling with my COMP Device, and I discovered I can summon Demons.

Math: Yeah, I did that before Genius! It wasn't Good!

Y/n: No these are Helpful demons! They can Help us! We can Take back the city! We would be like the Three Musketeers!

Math: Or the three Amigos!

Yuzu: Yeah, we can save the day!

Y/n: Hands in!

They both put their hands in!

Y/n/Math/Yuzu: Team Shonen Jump! / Ninja Storm! / Demon Hunters!

Y/n: Um... We'll work on the name Later!

You then Looked toward the city, and you saw A Bunch of Clocks Ticking back from 7 Days.

Y/n: (Thoughts) We Only have 7 Days Max to save everyone. We need to do this as Fast as Possible. God Let's Hope everyone will be Okay.

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