Revival of the Chimera Ants!

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We Open back up at All for one's Secret base as he was Pretty Much dealing with reviving A Dead Race, and Caesar was almost finished.

All For One: Caesar are you almost Finished? I am growing Tired of your Charades.

Caesar: SHURORORORORORO! Of course, I am nearly finished, I am almost done with my newest Creation! A Mechanical Chimera Ant Queen that can Create Actual Chimera Ants! I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU DO THAT VEGAPUNK! JUST YOU TRY!

All For One: Caesar control yourself.

Caesar: Right, right. Now we turn on A Few switches and... Success!

The Mechanical Monster that Spat out an Old Monster.

Meruem: Ugh... Where am I? And What Happened?

Meruem (The King of the Chimera Ants, A Voracious Race So Dangerous they were quarantined to A Single continent/ He is A Cell Level Threat who has the power to Shoot energy Blasts, Metamorphize, and Get stronger with every Nen user her eats/ He is...

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Meruem (The King of the Chimera Ants, A Voracious Race So Dangerous they were quarantined to A Single continent/ He is A Cell Level Threat who has the power to Shoot energy Blasts, Metamorphize, and Get stronger with every Nen user her eats/ He is actually really Empathetic when he befriended A Blind girl who say the good in him before his death)

All for One: Hello there, Chimera Ant King.

Meruem: Huh? Oh Yes, I am the King of the Chimera Ants. But where are my People?

All For One: We are going to revive them, but you must swear your allegiance to me.

Meruem then smiled and Bowed to the Masked Villian.

Meruem: Yes, I shall swear my allegiance to You. (Thoughts) That is Until I eat you.

All for One: Caesar activate the Machine!

Caesar: Yes, Sir!

Meruem: Yes, My Army shall come soon, and I shall bring my species to Dominance.

All for One then Puts his hand on his shoulder smiling under his Mask.

All For One: We shall bring your species into Dominance. (Thoughts) And I shall rule the world as A King.

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