Being A Maid is never Easy! / A Village Feud!

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Well you all continued on your Journey as The Four of you with the Addition of Okami Travelled across Japan trying to find that Bastard and Azad who were sending Assassins after all of you, and you were running low on Cash again.

So to Pay for the Bills the Girls had Taken Jobs at A Nice Restaurant with Cute Maids, and you were Just sitting around since they have no Jobs for Men.

You were Just eating some Squid Ink Pasta, as you Watched the Three girls who were wearing Cute Pink Maid Outfits dealing with Rowdy Customers,

Y/n: So Cute~

Just then The Maid who was Serving you walked over Smiling and you were A Little Stunned by her Cuteness.

Sakura: Hi There, Y/n! Would you Like anything else? It's on the House!

Sakura (One of the Many Maids of this Establishment/ She is A Happy and Delightful Woman who Loves to Serve People/ Her Chest size Literally Rivals Chifusa despite her absorbing two different women's chests)

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Sakura (One of the Many Maids of this Establishment/ She is A Happy and Delightful Woman who Loves to Serve People/ Her Chest size Literally Rivals Chifusa despite her absorbing two different women's chests)

Y/n: (Blushing) O-Oh Yeah, I'm good.

Meanwhile Chifusa was Getting Jealous and that combined with her dealing with A Bunch of Rowdy and Perverted customers made her quite Angry.

Chifusa: (Gritting Teeth) Hey, don't hit on him Like that.

Sakura: Hm? Oh, I'm Sorry, It's Just customer service! Tee-Hee!

Chifusa: Why don't you Just stop it? Huh?

Sakura: Oh Really? Well, I Guess there's One way we can settle it.

Chifusa: And what is it?

Sakura: Oh A Dance Off!

Chifusa: (Confused) A What now?

Sakura: We dance in front of all of these Lovely Men and whoever wins gets to do whatever they want~!

Chifusa: Deal.

Kaede: Oh God damnit Chifusa!

Soon Sakura and Chifusa had gotten onto some Tables and had Begun dancing with spotlights in front of them with A Bunch of Men cheering them on and you were contemplating Just Using Conquers Haki to shut them Up.

Soon Chifusa finally Lost her Temper and that Got them all Fired, as You were all forced to Leave, and before you did you handed Sakura A Business Card.

Y/n: Call me~

Sakura: Oh, Of course I will!


Y/n: Welp we have very Little money Again

Okami: We need to make some Money?

Kaede: But How?

Soon A Man walked up to all of you.

Man: You want to make Money Huh?

Y/n: Yes, that's what We said.

Man: Well we are having A Yearly competition with our Rival Village and we have no One to represent us as of Now becuase the woman going to do it, Got sick.

Y/n: Strange.

Man: Yes, We suspect foul Play but we're not sure, so we need A Woman with A Huge chest to Participate int this Contest or else we Lose! If we win we can Pay you!

Just then You Looked at Chifusa as she realized what you mean.

Chifusa: No, No, No, I understand where this is going, and I'm not doing it!

Kaede: Chifusa You Lost us that Job you do it!

Chifusa: No I am not!

Y/n: Chifusa would you Please do it. For Me?

Chifusa: (Sigh) Sure.

Y/n: Great! I can smell Victory already!

The Next Morning...

So, You had Spent the night keeping watch of Any Assassins and despite one random dude attacking which you easily beat nothing really Happened, so Now it was time for the Competition, and Chifusa's Opponent had Huge... Personalities.

Toyo: Oh This Will Just be Easy.

Toyo (A Rival coming from Yachime Village for A Yearly competition/ She Loves to win and show off to others/ She is Pretty Haughty and Sure of herself/ Has J-Cup Breasts)

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Toyo (A Rival coming from Yachime Village for A Yearly competition/ She Loves to win and show off to others/ She is Pretty Haughty and Sure of herself/ Has J-Cup Breasts)

Y/n: (Thoughts)

Soon the competition was set up and they were both set up on Platforms with Poles and the Job is to let their Chests Bounce and to Just show off, and the Men Will decide! Soon this Begins as Their chests Bounce and Toyo was Just showing off as much as she could as Chifusa was Just Holding onto the Pole too nervous to do anything.

Chifusa: Guys I can't do this! I Just can't!

Y/n: Chifusa I know this seems Strange, but I believe in you! I Know you can win this!

Chifusa: (Thoughts) Right, I can do this!

Chifusa then began to try and after A While her Bra actually gave out and she had her Bare Chest out which somehow gave her the win!

Y/n: GAK!

You then fell to the ground Bleeding, as Kaede was trying to wake you up.

Kaede: Y/n, Wake up Y/n! Wake up! Look is that Azad?

Y/n: WHERE!? I'LL KICK HIS ASS! Huh? Oh Good.

You then ran over and Began to Cover up Chifusa as the Man ran over excited carrying A Sack of Money!

Man: You did it! We won! Here's your Money!

Chifusa: Thanks.

She then Turned to you A Little angry but mostly embarrassed.

Chifusa: (Blushing) Y-You Owe me...

Y/n: Understood.

You then Noticed Toyo walking away Ashamed and in Defeat when you walked over handing her A Business Card.

Y/n: I'm A Very Sympathetic Guy, so here, And your Kinda Beautiful so Here, Call me.

You then ran back prepared to leave as she Blushed.

Toyo: (Thoughts/Blushing) W-Was that the Real Y/n L/n? I'm so Honored! Eeeee!

Y/n: Com one Girls we should go.

Okami: He's right we don't know when the Next Assassin is coming.

Kaede: Yeah, Come on!

Chifusa: I need something to cover my Chest First! Okay?

Y/n: Okay, we'll keep Moving and I'll make you One, Lets go.

And The Journey continues on for our Heroes!

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