Chapter 54

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She had a very nice house even for Beacon Hills where everyone was at least middle class.

Jared parked the car and we quickly got out giving me a better look around the front yard.

We were parked in a long driveway that seemed to go along the side of the house. The yard was not fenced in but surrounded by small bush like trees. Her house was white and looked to be three stories. A large balcony seemed to wrap around the second floor.

"Wow this place is nice." I said.

"If this impresses you wait until you see my place." Jared said to me as he flung his arm over my shoulder and pulled me along with him.

Once we were at the front door it opened instantly. Izzy popped her head out through the door/

"Finally. What took you so long?" She asked us.

"I had the unfortunate pleaser of meeting her dad." Jared answered for us.

"Hey, he's not that bad." I responded to him.

"What happened?" Stella asked as she walked over to Allen and wrapped her arms around him.

"Did anyone know that Thana's dad is FBI?" Jared asked.

"What?" Izzy asked while Stella and Allen looked too shocked to speak.

"It's no big deal." I told them.

"Bull." Allen said.

"Whatever I don't want to talk about this. Let's just work on the song." I told the group.

"What song?" Jared asked becoming defensive.

"Thana and I started to wright a song last night its killer." Izzy told Jared.

"Why would you do that? I write all our songs." He snapped at her.

"Well maybe it's time you let someone else write." She snapped back at him.

"Fine lets go inside and listen to this song." He said as he stormed away from us.

"Jared's pissed." Allen said once he was out of ear shot.

"He'll get over it." I told them as I followed after Jared.

We followed him down to a recording studio. Izzy and I showed him what we had and everyone seemed to like it.

"That was great." Stella said once we were done.

"So when do we start recording?" Allen asked.

"We don't." Jared told him.

"What do you mean we don't?" I asked him.

"I mean that its good but it's not right for our band." He answered.

"Like hell it isn't. Tell me one thing that's wrong with it." Izzy demanded.

"One I'm the lead singer and in this song Thana sings the lead." He told us.

Like me singing the lead would be a bad thing.

"Well maybe she should. Thana is a great singer." Izzy said as she stood up for me.

Jared looked so mad. He looked like he was going to explode. I guess he was not used to always getting his way.

After a lot more fighting he finally gave in. When we got the song done I was more than happy. It was perfect. Everything about it was exactly what I had thought it would be.

"We should sing this at our next show." Allen said.

"Your right." Jared said surprising us all.

"What? I can admit when I'm wrong." He responded to our looks.

"Well then I guess you should get used to this feeling." I teased him.

He responded by pulling me into his lap. For a second I wanted to pull away for him but only for a second. Then for some strange reason just like I always do when he touches me I just kind of melted into him. I did not really understand what it was. Yeah he's my type but hes kinda an ass. But for some reason whenever he touches me I can't say no.

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