Chapter - 66- Scott's POV

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I did not get much sleep last night but the three hours I did manage to get helped a little. I was waiting in line with Stiles, Kira, and Malia. We were waiting to register for the test. None of us really wanting to be hear. All of us had way too much on our minds to take this test successfully.

"Where's Lydia?" Kira asked breaking the silence.

"She's not here." Stiles answered her.

"Does that mean I could have taken this some other time?" Malia asked with a combination of anger and excitement.

"Malia you have studied hard for this." I told her.

"Doesn't mean I'm going to do good." She commented.

"Well." Stile said to her.

"Well what?" Malia asked him confused.

"It's do well not good." Stiles told her.

"Oh god." Malia said now obviously more worried then she was before.

"Oh go." Stiles repeated.

"You're doing this. Even though were trying not to die we still need to live. If I survive high school I would like to go to a good college." I told her.

"It's only three hours. We can survive three hours." Kira said.

We all looked at her. I could not believe she would say something like that and she seemed to notice.

"How's Thana doing?" Malia asked me the question that everyone else was trying to avoid.

"She's stable." I told them not wanting to talk about it too much.

It was our tern finally. I walked into the class room and got my finger print taken. Lydia's mom was there and she asked for my phone. I held it out and looked at it not really wanting to give it to her. I just could not hand it over.

"Scott it's okay. Your mom told me what's going on. If anything changes I will let you know." She told me.

It made me feel a little better, just a little. I handed over my phone to her and took my seat. It did not take long for the teacher to start giving us our instructions. We were waiting to start the test but couch was not hear. So Miss. Martin went to look for him.

When she came back she told us she would be standing in for him and we started the test. We were about five minutes into the test when there was a loud thud behind me.

I turned around to see that a girl had fainted. She had fallen right out of her chair.

"Sydney." Miss. Martin said as she ran over to the girl.

She helped her up.

"Are you all right?" She asked her.

"I'm okay. I just got kinda dizzy." She responded.

"Sydney how long have you had this?" She asked as she looked at her arm.

Sydney looked at her own arm and seemed to be confused about something.

"I don't know." She responded.

"Miss Martin do I need to stop the test?" The teacher asked her.

"No. It's fine." She responded but obviously it was not fine.

"Everyone stay in your seats. I'll be right back in a minute. No body leaves this room." She said as she grabbed her phone and hurried out of the room.

I looked back over to Sydney who was clutching her wrist.

A few minutes past when Miss. Martins screams where heard throughout the halls.

I quickly got up and ran out of the class room with the rest of the class. When I got out into the hall I could see her locking the front doors of the school.

"Back to your seats. Now. Please." She said to us.

We listened and reluctantly went back into the class room closing the door behind us.

"What do you think is going on?" Stiles asked me.

"I don't know but it has to do with Sydney." I answered him.

I tried to tune out everyone else around me and listened to what was going on in the hall way. What I heard surprised me was Miss. Martin talking to the CDC. This has just got a lot worse than I thought.

We were stuck in the room forever. That was until men in yellow suits came in carrying a bunch of stuff with them. They were locking down the school. They were filling the halls with plastic tubes for air flow. I looked around for anyone familiar and saw Mr. Yukamora. I wanted to go over and say something to him but there was just so much going on I could not reach him. It looked like they were setting up a medical center in the art room. And the scariest thing of all was strangely that they were even covering the windows with plastic. We were really locked in.

"What's going on?" I asked Miss. Martin.

"We isolate the sick. Then take precautions. If I'm wrong they will be out of here quickly then I'm just the crazy lady who panicked for nothing." She said to me before hurrying off down the hall.

I looked over to Sydney who looked really worried.

"Hey your gonna be okay." I told her.

"It's not that. The PSAT is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship. My parents can't afford to send me to college without it." She told me.

I could not help but smile at her. She was sick and could be dying and she was worried about the test.

"I'm shore they will let you take it again." I told her.

I could not see why they would not. It was not her fault that someone is trying to kill us all.


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