Chapter 83

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The property was huge, it looked more like a castle then a mansion. The road lead up to a massive gray stone structure. It seemed to be two floors not including the three rooms in the attic. The front door was two wooden doors that when closed made a nice arch way. Right now one hung open the other was broken in half as if someone had forced their way in.

A tower with three points stretched up the door, reaching about four stories over the rest if the building.

From a distance the building looked okay, just a little worn. As we got closer that was not the case. The first thing I noticed was the plant like had taken over. Vines ripe and green covered on half of the building.

Almost all of the windows were smashed out. I could only imagine all of the animals that had gotten inside. There was a smaller but also huge yellow building off to the left of the main building. It had two huge stair cases that made a circle leading up to a landing that would have led inside. Instead there was a massive tree that had grown into the open space. I was not even sure how to get up there because all the stairs were caved in.

"What's that?" I asked Derek as I pointed to the yellow building.

"That's the dorm." He answered.

"Dorm?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, it's were all the training coven members would live." He answered.

"Then who the hell lived in there?" Malia asked the question I was thinking.

"The royal family, coven members, staff and guests." He answered.

I took another second to look around the entire property.

"I used to live here?" I asked in disbelief considering were I actually fucking grew up.

"Yes." Derek answered. "There used to be a tire swing over there. It was your favorite." Derek told me as he pointed to a tree in the front yard.

"No need to reminisce, she can't remember." Peter added.

"Let's just go inside." I said as I started walking up the old steps to the main building hoping I would not fall threw them.

With a little help form Scott we managed to open the broken doors. One of them was so rotted that it actually fell apart as we tried to move it. Everyone waited for me, wanting me to take the first steps inside. I took a deep breath and walked in. The floor boards creaked under my feet. The room was dark and dusty. The only light provided was the light that was coming in from the holes in the roof considering the broken windows were almost completely overgrown with vines.

I took a few more steps in and let my eyes adjust then started to look around. We were standing in a great entrance. It was a big room with statues on both walls. Not that I could recognize them under all the bird shit. In front of me was a massive chandelier that must have come crashing down form the celling at one point. Behind that was two massive stair cases that mimicked the ones from outside.

Underneath the stairs were to doors that were closed. To the rite of me was another set of doors and the left what looks to be a sitting area. With a torn apart couch, some chairs and a little table.

"What's behind door number one and two?" I asked.

"That's the kitchen." Derek said pointing to the doors to the right. "And that's the ball room." He said pointing to the ones under the stairs.

"There's a ball room?" I asked way more excited then I wanted to sound.

"Yeah, your mom loved her balls." He answered with a smile as if he was thinking about a good memory.

"Can I look?" I asked.

"It's your house." Stiles answered.

"We really should be looking for the book." Peter interrupted.

"Maybe it's in the ball room." Liam added in.

"It's not it would be in the sacred space." He answered.

"Were is that." Scott asked.

"Upstairs, the attic." He answered.

"Were in the attic?" Maliah asked.

"No it's the entire attic. It's one big room for rituals and worship." He snapped.

"No need to be an ass." I told him as I walked over to the ballroom.

I pushed open the heavy ass doors that seemed to be made out of gold. I walked in and I was speechless. Even in its current shape it was beautiful. The entire back wall used to be glass windows that looked out into the back yard that eventually turned into the woods that separated our house from the Hail's. Now they were all smashed out. One of them had a branch coming in threw it. The ceiling was crumbling and pealing but you could tell at one time it was a colorful mural of something that would have reflected off the glass like floor. I could not help but walk to the middle of the room just taking it all in. it wasn't until I was in the middle of the room that I realized how big it actually was. It must have ran the entire back side of the house.

I looked at the rest of the group and everyone else was looking around the room just like I was. All except Peter who was looking at his foot that he was tapping against the floor, and Derek. Derek was looking at me with a smile on his face. Obviously happy about my reaction to this room, but there was also a sadness in his eyes. A sadness I could not figure out.

"We should get upstairs." Peter said reminding everyone why we were really hear.

"Yeah let's go." I answered and walked out of the ballroom and everyone else followed behind me.

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