Chapter Six - Scott

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 A/n check out the video it goes along with this chapter. (The song will be from Mr. McCall to Scott) It will make sense by the end of the chapter I promise. 


            My sister I could not believe this. She’s sixteen that means that she was born when my parents were still married. No wonder my mom was so upset.

            I had to get out of there before I completely lost it. I could not believe this. My dad cheated on my mom. I was out the door and almost at my bike when I felt a hand on my arm. I was spun around and now facing my dad.

            “Let go of my arm.” I yelled at him through grinded teeth.

            He understood how series I was because he instantly released my arm. That did not mean he was backing down though. We were both like that. Stubborn and hard headed.

            “Listen to me. You can be as mad at me as you want. I get it.” He told me in a stern voice.

            “Do you?” I asked him.

            “Yes. I do, but what you can’t. No what you will not do is take it out on that girl. She has been through so much in her life.” He was telling me.

            I could not believe what he was saying. Like I have not been through a lot. Is he out of his mind?

            “Are you kidding me? You have no idea the shit I had to deal with while you were gone.” I yelled at him.

            “This is different Scott. She had grown up her life in the foster system. With no family. Not even remembering who she is. She has amnesia and does not remember anything from before she was found.” He stopped talking for a minute and looked upset.

            “Well it’s nice to know you care about one of your kids.”I said to him. I was no longer yelling. Surprisingly I was no longer angry just really upset.

            “Scott that’s not fair.”

            “Is there a point to this or can I leave?” I asked him.

            “Scott she was so happy to find out she had a family. A brother. To find out she was not alone. So you can be as mad at me as you want but you will not take it out on her. Do you understand me?” He asked me.

            All I could bring myself to do was shake my head in agreement.

            “Good. Then I want you to pick her up in the morning and bring her to school. He first day is tomorrow.” He told me.\

            I instantly became angry again. School she was going to school with me. That meant that everyone would find out. That they would know my dad cheated on my mom and not only left behind one family but two.

            “You have to be kidding me.”

            “I am not.”

            “Well if you haven’t notices I don’t have a car.” I told him hoping I had won this argument.

            “I do believe Stiles has a jeep.” He told me.

            I could not believe this. He wanted me to ask Stiles to drive her to school. What would I even say to him?

            “Fine. Tell her to be ready.”

            I left it at that. I did not want to talk to him anymore. I through on my helmet and speed out of the parking lot. Not caring that I left him standing there staring after me. I needed to go home and call Stiles. There was no way I was getting any sleep tonight.  


Quote from song (From Mr. McCalls pov)

"Dropping little reels of tape to remind me that I'm alone."

"There's a burning in my pride a nervous bleeding in my brain. An ounce of peace is all I want for yo. Will you never call again? And will you never say that you love me just to put it in my face? And will you never try to reach me?"

"And with a sad heart I say bye to you and wave. Kicking shadows on the street for every mistake that I had made." 

"So I'll drive so fucking far away that I never cross your mind. And do whatever it takes in your heart to leave me behind."

"Like a baby boy I never was a man."

"Hate me today. Hate me tomorrow. Hate me for all the things I didn't do for you. Hate me in ways. Yeah ways hard to swallow. Hate me so you can finally see what's good for you."

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