Chapter 96

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"Where the hell have you been? Are you okay? Why did you not answer my calls?" Scott asked the second he answered my call.

"Calm down I'm fine. I'm still at Derek's and I'm fine. I fell asleep while I was reading the book." I said answering all his questions.

"What's wrong?" I asked him hoping he had a good explanation for ruining the moment Derek and I were having.

"Dad called. He wanted to check in see how I was holding up." He said.

"So." I responded not understanding what the hell he was so worried about.

"I could hear the back ground noise. He's heading home. You know to the house you're not at." He said to me.

"That's what this is about. Jeez Scott I thought someone had died or something." I snapped at him.

"Someone is about to die. Me if you don't get home now." He told me.

"Okay Scott don't worry I'll have Derek drive me home." I said.

"Well hurry." He told me.

"Calm down. I got this." I told him and hung up the phone.

"We got to go." I told him.

By the look on his face it was obvious he heard the conversation.

"Let me get a shirt." He said and disappeared back into his room.

I quickly took out my phone and texted dad.

"Dad can you stop at the store on your way home?" I sent him.

"Can't it wait until the morning?" He responded.

"No. I got my period I need tampons." I told him.

"No I can't. I don't have any here. I can't leave the house." I told him knowing he would have no choice but to stop buying me some time.

"Fine. What do you need?" He asked and I went on to text him the name of a brand that does not exist so he would have to look around for a while.

"Come on!" I called out to Derek as I opened his loft door.

I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw someone standing there. I looked up to see that it was Jared and he did not look happy.

"Jared?" I asked confused.

I was about to ask him what he was doing here but before I could he back handed me across the face. The pure surprise of it caught me off guard and I fell to the ground. I cupped my already swollen and bleeding lip as I looked up at him.

"You fucking whore!" He yelled as he stormed over to me.

He grabbed me by the arm lifting me up off the ground. Again I was to surprise by the situation and weak from the past few nights that I could not even fight back. Thankfully I did not have to. For only a second later a growl came from behind me and Jared went flying out of the loft and into the hallway wall.

Before Jared could even get up Derek was at him picking him up off the ground by his throat slamming him into the wall again. His claws were out and his teeth were bared as if he was going to bite out his throat.

"Derek enough!" I said to him.

He looked back at me, he was so angry.

"On top of all our problems I don't need you killing him in the hall. Put him down and let's go." I said to him.

Derek slammed him against the wall one more time and then dropped him to the ground. Derek reached his hand out for me to hold and just when I was about to grab it Jared took a swing at Derek. His eyes shining green, something I had not seen to this point. But thankfully Derek was faster and caught his fist in midair. He growled at him as Jared made some weird hissing noise and then there was a loud cracking noise as Derek snapped his arm. Breaking it to the point where the bone had broken through the skin.

I could not help but look at the mess and smile as Jared screamed out in pain. He got what he deserved and I did not feel bad about it at all.

"Stay the hell away from Thana." Derek told him before grabbing my hand and leading me out of the building.

We walked down the stairs in silence and it wasn't until we were about to get in the car that I finally had to speak.

"You know it's incredibly sexy when you hurt people for me." I told him.

"Shut up and get in the car." He told me and for the first time ever I did what I was told.

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