Chapter 56

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The car ride to the vets was a quiet one. I had some questions but Peter kept shooting them all down. It was as if he did not want me to talk at all. Eventually I gave up trying and just accepted the silence.

When we got to the vet Peter was out of the car almost the second we parked. I tried to keep up with him but it was hard. He was really fast.

"Hey wait?" I called after him but he did not listen.

I finally caught up to him once we entered the vest office. He was standing in the door way and looking inside. I stood next to him so I could see what was going on and was surprised to see the vet, Stiles, and Derek all shoved aside by Brett. His eyes where glowing yellow and foam was pouring out of his mouth.

He tried to make a run for it but Peter punched him in the face knocking him out cold. I looked over to Peter and his eyes where glowing blue. I made a mental note to ask what was up with the different colored eyes.

"I guess I still have a little werewolf strength myself." Peter said sarcastically to the group who was now staring at us.

"Thana?" Stiles questioned as he saw me standing here with Peter.

"Maybe more than a little. What's she doing here?" Derek asked Peter.

I wanted to make a snarky response but all I could focus on was the itchy feeling I was getting on my right arm. I looked at my arm and there was nothing there. No reason for the strange sensation. I look around wondering if this has something to do with whatever is going on and I notice that Derek is also looking at his right arm. Except he has a reason to, the reason being the three claw marks he has there.

"Hey Doc, I don't think he's breathing." Stiles calls from across the room.

Doc as Stiles called him quickly joined him at Brett's side. He was indeed not breathing. Doc grabbed a scalpel and cut open Brett's chest. A yellow smoke came out from inside him and instantly he took a deep breath and started to breathe again.

"Is he okay?" Stiles asked.

"He'll be out for a while." The doctor replied.

I should be focused on all that was going on around me but all I could think about was that weird feeling in my arm and how it quickly came out of nowhere then disappeared just as fast.

I had no idea what was going on. I finally looked away from my arm to see Peter was weirdly smiling at me. He then looked away and when I followed his line of sight I noticed that he was looking at Derek who was also looking at him arm. His arm that was now healed. He noticed us looking at him causing Peter to look away but I could not take my eyes off his arm.

"Can you hear that? I think he's saying something." Stiles said breaking my train of thought.

Doc leaned in trying to hear what he was saying.

"Three things that cannot long be hidden. The sun. The moon, and the truth. It's Buddhist." He said.

Derek and Peter shared a look while Stiles and I looked confused.

"You guys know what that means?" I asked them.

"Satomi." Was all Derek said.

I did not know what that meant but ever one else seemed to understand.

"What the hell is a Satomi?"  

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