Chapter 140

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A few days had past sense Derek had been kidnapped. We talked about what was going on with our connection and he said it was because he was no longer a wolf. When I tried to ask more about it that's all he would tell me. But the way Peter would roll his eyes and make little comments under his breath I knew there was more to it. Something that Peter also knew that for some reason Derek was not telling me. So I decided to go talk to Scott. I hopped he would tell me whatever it is there hiding because I'm his sister.

When I got to his house I knocked but nobody answered but I knew he was home. I could see him and Stiles threw the window so I decided to just head up. I was about to open the door but stopped when I heard Scott and Stiles arguing about something. I took my hand off the handle and listened as they fought about money. Apparently they found a big ass bag of money. Scott wanted to give it back but Stiles wanted to keep it. Apparently both of them where in debt. Stiles from his hospital stay when he was possessed. Scott was worried because his mom might lose the house. I couldn't listen to the two of them bicker anymore.

"You should keep it." I said as I stormed into the room.

"Holy shit!" Stiles yelled as he almost jumped out of his skin.

"How long have you been out there?" Scott asked.

"Long enough to know you should keep it." I told him.

"You realize that would be steeling, from your own boyfriend." He reminded me.

"I get that but he was pliantly of money. Is it really fair that Mr. Stiliski is in debt because Stiles was possessed by an old ass Japanese tiger?" I told them.

"Fox." Stiles responded.

"Whatever." I responded.

"The point is should after everything your mom had been through with your shit, should she also have to lose her house?" I asked him.

"No, but that's not the point. The point is the money's not ours. Where giving it back, and you're the worst girlfriend ever." Scott told me.

"No Scott you need to step out of La La Land where everyone looks out for one and other. Welcome to the real world where no one gives a shit about what happens to you. No one is going to come and save you or buy your moms house." I told him before storming out.

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