Chapter - 62- Scott's POV

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It was pointless. I was never going to find Liam. The only chance I had was dead. He was going to die and it was all my fault. What kind of Alpha can't even protect his pack?

I was starting to wonder if it was even worth the fight. Everyone around me keeps dying and no matter how hard I try I can't ever stop it.

That's when I heard it. A howl. No, not just a howl, Liam's howl. He was calling for me. And just like that I knew exactly where he was.

I grabbed Mr. Argent and we ran to his car. He drove in the direction I told him. I did not know where we were going but I knew what direction we had to go.

"Stop." I told him.

When the car came to a stop we were looking at a well.

"He's in there." I said as I jumped out of the car.

I ran over to the well and just when I looked down into Liam was about to fall down into it again. I reached out and managed to catch him.

It was easy for me to see that Liam had no strength left in him so I pulled him over the ledge with all my strength. I pulled him so hard that he fell into me. All I could do was hug him. I was so happy and relieved that he was okay.

Chris walked over to us and helped me get Liam to the car.

A short while later we arrived at Deaton's. I had to help Chris hold Loam down as Deaton cut open his chest so the wolfs bane could exit. It was not the most enjoyable experience but it was something that had to be done.

I watched as Liam laid there unconscious but alive.

"I don't want to keep watching people die." I said out loud to no particular person.

"I'm not sure you have much choice about that." Chris said to me.

I could not listen to them. I could just not let myself. I had to save everyone.

"I'm going to save everyone." I told him.

After Liam woke up we drove him home. When I arrived home later that night I was not surprised to see Stiles waiting for me.

"I have something I have to show you." I told him before he could even tell me the stupid reason he was really here.

I lead him up to my room and pulled out the bag full of money out from under my bed. He was looking at me confused. I opened up the bag so he could see all the money inside. He did not say anything he just sat down on the floor staring into the bag. I sat down across from him just waiting for him to speak.

After a while I showed him the tape that was in the bag.

"I don't understand." I said to him.

I could not understand why someone would want us dead. Most of us are good people.

"Someone wants you dead dude. Bad." He said to me like I did not already know that.

I just could not look at this anymore. I took the money shoved it back in the bag then shoved it under my bed.

"Wow what are you doing?" Stiles asked me.

"Doing what's right." I told him.

"Do you know how much money that is?" He said to me.

"$500,000. Its half a million dollars, Scott." He told me like I have not already counted that thing like ten times.

"What are you going to do with it, just slide it under your matrass?" He asked me.

"I have to talk to Derek. The moneys his." I said to him.

"It's also Peters do you think it's a good idea to give it back to him. I mean telling Derek means telling Peter, who is a homicidal killer." He said to me.

"So we should give Derek his money back but not Peter?" I asked him in confusion.

Stiles looked at me frustrated but before he could speak Malia ran into the room. I tried to hide the bag from her but she did not even seem to care at all about that.

She actually looked worried and she was wet apparently it had started raining.

"We found the pack." She said to both of us.

"That's great." Stiles said excitedly.

"Not really. There all dead." She told us.

I was shocked by what she was telling me. How could the entire pack be dead? She looked all out of breath she must have ran here.

"Where's Derek?" Stiles asked as if he had read my thoughts.

She did not answer us instead she looked at the floor.

"Malia where is he?" I asked her.

"On his way to the hospital." She told us.

"Is he okay?" Stiles asked.

"He's fine." Malia said to him.

"Whys he going to the hospital?" I asked her confused about what is going on.

"Thana got there before we did." She said to me.

I took a step closer to her.

"Malia is she okay?" I asked her before she could do or say anything.

"No. She was shot." She told me.

I had so many questions. I wanted to ask her how, when, were but I could not get the words out. I could not think, speak or move. The entire world seemed to have stopped. I had just said that I wanted to save everyone and now my sister was shot.

I did not know when or how we got into Stiles car but before I knew it we were driving down the road. My senses seemed to be coming back at me.

"What was she even doing there?" I asked Malia.

Both of them seemed to have jumped at my words obviously surprised by my voice.

"We brought her." She answered me.

"What?" I yelled at her.

I could not believe that they had brought her along.

"She wanted to help. But the second we realized the pack was being hunted we told her to go home. She must have cut us off." She told me.

"When does she ever do what she's told? I can't believe Derek brought her!" I yelled at her.

"Don't blame him. He did not want her to go. We teamed up on him." She told me.

I still could not believe this was happening. How was I supposed to defend my friends when I can't even defend an protect my sister.


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