Chapter - 65 - Derek's POV

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I sat out there after Scott left. I let him done so many times but not this time. I would keep Thana safe from now on. I could not get that uneasy feeling I felt in my gut when she was not safe. I had not felt that in years. Not sense that night that she had disappeared. I get that were connected in some way. Are family's always were but she does not have her powers so the connection should not be there.

After some time Mr. McCall came racing out of the room. He was obviously stressed. Something was wrong.

"What's going on?" I asked him.

He completely pretended like I was not there. He just ran up to Melissa who was walking up the hall.

"Something is happening at the school. I have to go." He told her. "Watch her and don't let him next to her." He said ad he pointed to me then hurried off down the hall.

Melissa hurried after him obviously to find out what was going on. I was curious to but I had something more important to do.

I quickly went into Thana's room before someone had the chance to stop me. I shut the door behind me and let out a sigh of relief when I saw that she was okay. She was still asleep but she looked better than she did last night. The color was starting to come back to her face.

I sat back down in the chair next to her bed. I had no intention of leaving her side again. I was going to be here when she woke up a no one was going to tell me any different.


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