Chapter Eleven

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            “Here it is.” Lydia said as she pointed towered the door in front of us.

            “Have fun.” She said. “I’ll see you at lunch.”

            “Wait.” I called out after her. Not really knowing why. “We don’t have any classes together?” I asked her.

            “No. You’re a sophomore. Were all juniors, so I would say no?” She said as she popped her lips out as she looked at me.

            “Okay then. I’ll see you guys at lunch then.” I said but she was already half way down the hall.

            “By then.” I said to myself.

            I quickly walked into the room knowing that class had already started.

            I walked in. Every person in the room turned to look at me. Some of them just seemed to be sizing me up, others were checking me out, and then there were a few who I could tell already decided did not like me.

            “Can I help you?” The teacher asked me.

            “Are you Mr. Finstock?” I asked.

            “Yes and know is the part you tell me who you are and why you are in my class room?” He asked me very loudly. I could hear a few kids chuckle as I stood there in shock that a teacher would be so rude to a student they just met.

            “I’m Thana Tomes. I’m the new student, from Boston.” I told him.

            He just looked at me like he had no idea what I was talking about it. So I walked over to him and handed him my schedule.

            “It seems you’re telling the truth. Take a seat. Anywhere would be nice. Just get out of the middle of my class room.” He snapped at me.

            I looked around and there were only two seats open one directly in the front row. The second was all the way in the back.

            I quickly decided I wanted to be as far away as possible from this teacher so I walked all the way to the back of the class room and took the empty seat.

            I quickly pulled out a pencil and my note book. I tried listening to what the teacher was talking about but I really could care less. Why would a sophomore need to take economics? So I just took to doodling in my note book.

            “Your eyes are so cool.” The girl sitting next to me said.

            I turned to my left to look at who had just talked to me. There was a blond girl looking at me. She had light blond hair and big blue eyes. Her blue eyes stood out because of two things. One her pale skin and to the black make up the surrounded her eyes. Her entire eyelid was covered in black eye shadow and underneath her pretty blue eyes laid a thick layer of black eye liner.

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