Chapter 48

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I woke up and shot rite up in my bed. Something was wrong. I could feel it in my bones but I could not quite figure out what it was. I started coughing violently something was filling up my lungs. Making it impossible to breath. I grabbed the top of my light pink night gown and brought it up over my mouth. Taking in a deep breath being able to slightly breathe again.

I looked around my room trying to make out anything in the darkness. Once my eyes adjusted I started to make out what looked like smoke coming in underneath my door.

Smoke what the hell was going on?

I quickly jumped out of my bed letting the fabric of my night gown fall down and rest against my knees.

I reached out and rested my hands against my door. I quickly withdrew my hand from the heat it was radiating.


Was all I managed to think. My house was on fire. Then I instantly thought about the other person who lived in this house with me.

“Dad!” I yelled out as I flung open my door.

My face was instantly assaulted with heat. I had to close my eyes against the sting from the heat and smoke that was now moving around my face.

I pulled the dress back up trying to block the smoke as I tried to open my eyes. Only being able to squint them open enough to see. I could see smoke and fire all around me. The flames seemed to be running up the walls.

How the hell did this happen?

“Dad!” I called out again.

The response I herd was only something I have ever heard in my dreams.

Someone cried out in sheer pain. It ran through the howl house. I almost collapse at the sound. It was the most horrible sound I have ever herd.

I did not even think about what I was doing. I ran out trying to stay away from the flames. But when I ran out I was not shore where I was supposed to be. I should be in the hall looking at my bathroom but from what I could see I was standing in what looked like a grand entry hall. There was a grand stair case in front of me but that was all I could see. The flames covered every other inch of the house.

I looked behind me at the door that should lead out of the house. It just led back into my bedroom. I tried to make my way back through it. A got a few steps closer and I could make out a figure lying on my bed. It was me I was still laying on my bed in nothing but my underwear and bra. As I was when I passed out earlier.

What the hell is going on?

 I was about to make my way out of the fire and back to the safety of my room when I heard that same scream as before, except this time it was more than one scream. They were coming from everywhere.

I had no idea what was going on or who the screams belonged to but I knew that I had to help whoever it was.

I ran to the middle of the room and tried to figure out where the screams where coming form.

“Where are you?” I yelled hoping someone would hear me and responded.

I had to help. I had to get them out.

The screams answered. Filled with agony and pain. They came from all directions. I could not make out anything. I did not know what to do.

I was starting to panic when a loud clear scream came from somewhere near the back of the stairs.

I ran around as fast as I could. Trying to out sun the flams not shore if that was an actual thing that I could do.

When I reached the back of the stairs I realized the screaming was coming from behind a door that was under the stairs.

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