Chapter Thirty One

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Once class was over we had gotten are sheet music. The next concert is going to be a musical theme. So we were singing songs from Grease, Hairspray, Wicked, and unfortunately High School musical. I really wanted to kill the people who voted for that dam movie.

Once class was over we went our different ways. I had art and unfortunately none of my friends had it. I walked into art class and looked around for any one I knew. Unfortunately the only person in this class that I knew was Lydia. I was hoping I could slip into class unseen and find a seat before she saw me but I was out of luck.

“Thana over here.” She called as she waved me over with a big smile on her face.

“Hi.” I said as I sat down on the stool next to her.

We sat there in silence. The teacher told us we were supposed to draw the bowl of fruit that she had placed in the middle of the room. The two of us started drawing. I was happy that Lydia did not seem to try to break the uncomfortable silence. She was just seemed to be drawing away in at her easel. It was not until the bell rung that I noticed something was wrong.

Everyone was filling out of the class. I was just about to leave the room and shut off the light because I thought I was the last one out when I heard a noise behind me. It sounded like someone was still drawing. I turned around to see Lydia still drawing. She looked so lost in what she was doing.

“Lydia class is over.”  I called across the room.

She did not answer me so I walked over to her.

“Lydia.” I said again.

She still did not stop. I walked around her to see what she was doing. What I say made no sense. It was not a bowl a fruit like I thought she was drawing it was just a bunch of numbers and some letters. What the hell is she doing?

“Lydia.” I said as I reached out and placed my hand on her shoulder. “Lydia.” I said again.

She still did not answer me but this time she tensed up under my touch. She sat up strait and dropped her pencil. But she continued to stare at the paper.

“Lydia is you okay?” I asked in such a soft voice I did not know if she could hear me.

She dropped her hands off her lap and they now rested at her sides and she turned her head to look at me. Even though Lydia was not intimidating at all there was something very scary about the way she was looking at me. It was almost as if she was lost in a daze. Like she was not really hear. As if her mind was else wear.

She just stared at me for a few more seconds with a black look in her eyes. Then she opened her mouth and let out a blood curdling scream. It was unlike anything I had ever heard before. It actually hurt. It hurt so much I dropped to my knees and held my hands over my ears trying to tune out the sound that was still coming. I looked up at her and she just continued to scream. I tried to get up. Tried to move so I could stop her but I just did not have the strength in me.

My vision started to go blurry and was covered with white spots. I could feel arms around me but could not make out who they belonged to.

The screaming finally stopped but I still could not see.

“You’re okay. I’m hear your fine.” An unfamiliar voice told me.

My vision started to come back to me as I tried to make out who this blurry form was in front of me.

Then I heard more nose it sounded like people running down the hall.

“What happened?” I herd Scott ask.

A second figure was now knelling in front of me. This one I knew was Scott even though I could not fully see him. He reached out and held my hand.

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