Chapter 17

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            David had been trying to teach me the basics of wrestling for a while now. I still did not understand the rules and point system but I was getting better at the actual wrestling moves. The ones that were legal.

            He was not taking it easy on me at first either. Which I did not mind. Scott on the other hand looked to be a big bundle of nerves. He came over a few times and yelled at David how yelled back until someone, mostly Stiles would come and split them up. How was I supposed to learn if he was scared of hurting me?

            That was until about ten minutes ago when David realized I was not going to quit after him being a little ruff and started to put in extra energy and force into everything he did. He was obviously trying to get me to quite before I even really started.

            He came at me again and this time I was not ready.  I was getting really tired. He grabbed me around my waist lifting me up off the ground with ease. He then throw me down on the mat with a great deal of fours. So much force that I did not only hit my back but my head flew back and hit the mat also.

            There was a great deal of pain shooting through my shoulders all the way down my lower back. It felt like someone stabbed me in the back. It was nothing compared to the throbbing I was feeling in my head. I reached up and tried to grab my head fearing that it was cracked open and my brains would spill out onto the floor.

            Before I could David sat down on top of me putting his entire wait on my hips. He sat there straddling me as he held my hands above my head. He had me pinned but did not bother to move after the match was over.

            “Ready to quit yet?” He asked.

            I could not respond. I felt like I had no breath in my body. I was not shore if I remembered how to breath.

            He remained unmoved. I could hear Scott yelling in the back ground but someone must be restraining him because he was no were to be seen.

            David’s grip tightened on my wrists, and I was starting to get angry. I wanted him off of me. SO I did the only thing I could think of. I need him from behind. Rite in his little jewels.

            He instantly removed his hands from my wrist and removed his wait form me even though he was still kneeling over me.

            I quickly pulled my knees up under him so his weight was resting on them. Then I grabbed him by the upper arms and all at the same time pulled and kicked him so he flew up and over me landing on his back near my head.

            He laid there grabbing himself and now even more unable to move because I dropped him just as hard as he did me.

            This gave me time to get up and collect myself. As I did the room started to spin. Someone reached out and supported me before I could fall. I looked up to see it was Scott. Once the room stopped spinning I shrugged him off of me. I then leaned down so my face was close to David’s.

            “You may be the better wrestler.” I told him. “But I will always be a better fighter.” I finished then stood up and started to walk away.

            Scott helped me walk into the school. As we reached the doors I looked back.

            “See you at practice.” I yelled as I waved to the rest of the team.

            I could not help but smile as I watched the look on the rest of the team’s face as they looked from me to David who was still on the ground.

            “You’re crazy. You know that.” Scott told me.

            “Only just enough to be interesting. Not enough to be a problem.” I told him. 

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