Chapter 93

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I opened the book and just like before I expected something to happen. I don't know what I was expecting but I was sure something would happen. Like the power would go out or the wind would swirl around me but again there was nothing.

"Maybe you need to read from it. Destiny said her mom and aunts had to read from it to get there powers back." He told me obviously sensing my frustration.

I did not know if reading from an ancient witch text when I did not know what I was reading was a good idea but I really did not have any other options. So I did what he said and I read, and read, and read. Almost half of the book finally before I slammed it shut.

"This is not working. Your friend is wrong." I snapped at him.

"We just have to keep trying. Somethings working." He said.

"How can you say that? I still don't have my powers or memory's." I told him.

"That's not true. Your siren song started working almost the second you moved back to town. And now are familiar bond is back. The answer may not be the book, but something in this town is making it all come back. Slowly but it's coming back. We just need to figure out what it is." He told me and even though I wanted to continue being mad and grumpy I couldn't.

He was rite, I have been changing. I only did not realize it until now.

"I'm going to read more of the book anyway just in case." I told him causing him to chuckle and both of us to groan in pain.

"Hurry up and heal already." I told him before looking back to my book.

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