Chapter 38

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About twenty minutes later the bands van came to a stop in front of what looked like a tattoo parlor.

“What are we doing here?” I asked. “I thought we were going to a party?” I asked.

“This is the party.” Jared told me with a smile on his face before he stepped out of the van.

The rest of them fallowed him out and Izzy explained more to me.

“His buddy, Steve owns the place. We have all of our after parties here.” She told me as we walked around the van.

“Why would he want a bunch of drunken punks like us messing up his shop?” I asked half kidding.

“Are you kidding me? A bunch of drunken people in a tattoo parlor.” Jared said as he placed his arm around my shoulder. “Do you have any idea how easy it is to talk a drunk kid into getting a tattoo?” He said as he laughed.

“Steve makes a ton of money every time we have a party.” Allen added in as we started to walk inside.

Jared and I walked in first with his arm still around my shoulder. Allen and Stella fallowed close behind holding hands like the perfect little couple they are. Izzy was the one hanging back. She was obviously upset about something. I was about to go back and see what was wrong but Jared pulled me along with him not letting me leave his side.

Once we were inside I could see that the party was already in full swing. There was about thirty people in the parlor. Somewhere around our age somewhere older. There was a pool table in the corner were a few people were playing. There was a table in the back full of alcohol and a cooler full of bear. Everyone had a drink and seemed to be having a good time. Even the three people who I could see getting tattooed were drinking while in the chair. One of them was even smoking a cigarette.

“This is all for you.” Jared whispered into my ear for only me to hear. Sending a slight shiver down my spine.

Jared led me and the rest of us to a room that was in the back of the shop. It looked to be the owner’s office but for rite now it seemed to be where we were going to be hanging out. There was a few chairs and a couch in the room. And a small table in the middle of all of them.

Allen took a seat on the couch and Stella quickly sat down on his lap. The two of them instantly started making out. I could not help but laugh. The two of them were always all over each other as if they were never going to see each other again. Izzy took a seat in one of the chairs at the other side of the table. Jared sat down on the couch next to Allen and Stella as if they were not there, and I took a seat next to Izzy.

“So why are we not out there with everyone else?” I asked.

“We will but I just figured we would hang back here a little until the party gets started.” Jared told me.

Get started. I thought. It was not already started?

“Why don’t we get some bears then we can get to know the newest member to our band.” Jared said as he stood up.

“I already know Thana just fine.” Izzy snapped.

“So does that mean you don’t want a beer?” Jared asked her in response.

“Of course I want a beer.” She answered as if his question was insulting.

“How about you two?” He asked Allen and Stella.

They did not bother to separate their lips from each other Allen just gave him a thumbs up behind Stella’s back. I could hear Stella giggle slightly but neither of them stopped what they were doing.

“You?” He asked me.

“No thank you.” I told him.

“Oh come on what’s the point in coming to a party if you’re not going to drink?” He challenged me.

“Who said I was not going to drink. I just said I do not want a beer.” I told him as I got up and started to walk out of the back room.

I looked back at him. Still just standing were I left him.

“Are you coming?” I asked him in the same challenging town as he did to me a second before.

He just smiled at me and fallowed me out of the room. I could feel his eyes own me as he fallowed behind me. I smiled to myself and added a little more sway to my step than usual.

When we reached the table full of alcohol he placed his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I just smiled an innocent smile and looked up at him.

“So what’s your Posen?” He asked me.

I removed my eyes from him and looked over to the table. Looking for my poison as he put it. I quickly found the bottle I was looking for and held up the bottle of gray goose vodka so he could see.

“Found it.” I told him.

He turned form me and grabbed as many beers as he could carry and then looked back at me.

“Are you going to poor yourself a glass?” He asked me as he looked at me still holding the bottle.

“Nope.” I told him as I grabbed a few shot glasses and walked off with the entire bottle.

“I like you already.” I heard him call from behind me.

I smiled as I walked into the back room.

“Is that for us?” Izzy asked the second I walked into the room.

I held up the shot glasses in response.

“Great.” She responded.

Allen and Stella finally stopped sucking face to take there beers from Jared. I placed the five shot glasses on the table in a straight line and filled them all up to the rim.

“Shots for everyone.” I yelled out and got a cheer from the four of them.

I heard the sound of a bunch of beer cans open up before everyone grabbed hold of their shot. We all raised the glasses above our heads and Izzy yelled out.

“To Thana.” Before we all downed our shots.

I felt the familiar burn run through my thought as I swallowed mine. After a few seconds it passed. I placed my shot glass down on the table and smiled as I instantly started to relax. I looked at my new friends to see that Jared and I were the only ones who did not instantly chase down our shot with a sip of beer. I looked over to him and smiled.

“I knew there was a reason I liked you.” I told him.

I took my seat back next to Izzy but could not help but smile as I saw him staring at me through the side of my eyes.

Everyone continued to drink there beers and I had another shot.

“So you said you wanted to get to know me better.” I stated looking directly at Jared.

“I did say that.” He responded.

“We should totally play never have I ever.” Stella yelled out as she jumped up off the couch.

“Really?” Jared asked her.

“Yes I am. We will all get to know Thana better and get drunk at the same time. Come on it will be fun. Don’t you think it will be funny?” She asked looking at Allen.

He just looked over to Jared and smiled.

“We should play.” He told him in response.

“Fine. Who goes first?” Jared asked.

“I will Stella.” Said all too eager to start playing.

I quickly pored myself a shot getting ready to play. 

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