Chapter 85

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"So this fucker owns a club?" Malia asked.

"Yes, underground, really underground." Peter answered.

"What the hell does that mean?" I asked.

"It means it's supernatural only." Peter answered.

"Well how do I get in?" Stiles asked.

"You don't." Peter told him.

"Then what am I supposed to do? He asked.

"Wait in the car." Peter responded.

"Well then how do I get in?" I asked once Stiles shut up.

"Well I'm hopping with a group as large as us we can slip you in." He answered.

"Hope." I repeated.

"We need a lot more then hop. I'm not going to risk her safety!" Derek yelled at his uncle.

"It's not really your choice." I reminded him.

"We don't really have any other choice. I need to get in there. And considering everyone in there is like you, brute strength is really not the way to go." I stated letting all in this car know not to try anything stupid.

"I don't think this is a good idea." Derek told me.

"Derek you need to calm the fuck down. We're not going to let anything happen to Thana. You're acting like a nut. And I can say that because you're my cousin." She told him.

I took in what she just said and for some reason it gave me an uneasy feeling. I had not realized until now that they were cousins. I know that Malia is not my blood cousin but my aunt had adopted and raised her. She was family. So it was weird that she was actually a Hale who I have some weird connection to. I took a second to think about it and gave up when I realized my family tree was as confusing as Henrys from Once Upon A Time.

"Were here." Peter said as the car came to a stop.

We all got out of the car and rejoined the others.

"So let's get this over with." I said.

"Do I really have to wait in the car?" Stiles asked.

"Yes!" Peter and Derek yelled at him together.

"Hopefully we won't take too long." I told him trying to make him feel a little better.

"Yeah I'm sure you'll make your trip into the supper cool, underground, sup club a short one." He replied as he climbed back into his jeep.

I could not help but smile at him. A few seconds later Lydia.

"What took you so long? We left at the same time." Liam asked as he stood next to Isaac.

"I had to make a stop." She answered as she held up a bug bag.

"What's that?" Kira asked.

"Well none of us are going to get into a club looking like this. Let alone sneak little miss sunshine in." She answered.

"Seriously Lydia we don't have time for this." I said to her.

"There's always time for good fashion." She replied.

She pulled out a short one piece thing with long sleeves that looked like a piñata threw up on it.

She pulled out a short one piece thing with long sleeves that looked like a piñata threw up on it

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