Chapter Ten

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 A/N the song is from malias pov.

Once we got to the school and I climbed out of the back of Stiles jeep I could not help but notice how different this school was from any I have ever seen in Boston. Where I am from all of the schools are basically just a big building with everything perfectly tucked inside away from the elements. Here is different the school was very open. I could see some of the stair cases that went to the second floor where outside. Even some of the halls were sort of outside. Like on The second floor balcony or the fool below. I could see some class room doors and lockers even though I was out side.

            It was very weird to me to see a school so open and free looking. I was used to buildings with only a few exits. Metal detectors and cops around every corner.

            This school is going to be a breeze.

“Do you have your schedule?” Scott asked me pulling me out of my thoughts.

            “No. I need to go to the office and pick it up.” I told him.

            “Come on I’ll show you were it is.” Styles said as he threw his arm over my shoulder.

            I moved away from him slightly, and then looked over to Scott wondering if this was something he would normally do to someone he just met. I was a hundred percent shore that I was giving him the same face that Scott was rite now. One of confusion and uncomforted.

            I slowly removed his arm from by shoulders and looked at him.

            “Don’t invade my bubble.” I told him as I started to walk away.

            Scott stayed in pace with me but Stiles remanded standing in the same spot. Like if he could not comprehend that I did not like being touched. He finally snapped out of it and ran to catch up to us.

            “So I think you will like it here.” Scott told me as we walked into the building.

            “Yah why is that?” I asked him.

            He just looked at me like he was not expecting me to answer him.

            “It’s a…umm. You know.” He seemed to be stumbling over his words and I could not help but wonder why.

            “Different.” Stiles finished for him.

            “Yah different.” He repeated.

            “Different how?” I asked.

            “Well you know. It’s umm real diverse here.” Stiles said.

            “You can say that again. We have a lot of different kind of people hear.” Scott added.

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